The Moss Collection

Part of the Moss's collection on display - Sep. 29, 2011
Photo © James V. Roy
Larry Moss is a native of Memphis. He and his wife
Judy are the owners of Interstate Blood Bank and Dinstuhl's Fine Candies
and have been collecting memorabilia since1973. It started when they got boxing champ Joe Frazier's autograph on a dollar bill.
Larry's dad was a graduate of Hume's High School, Elvis' alma Mata, and
was friends with Red West when they played football together. This
may also explain their fascination with Elvis memorabilia in particular.

The guitars in the
Moss collection on display - Sep. 29, 2011
Photo © James V. Roy
Their collection includes many pieces that would be the
envy of any Elvis fan and include, among other things, Scotty's
1952 ES-295 used at Sun, Bill's 1956
Precision Bass (currently on loan to EPE and on display at
Graceland), a guitar once owned by Elvis
and used in several films like Follow That Dream and the guitar
given to Anita Wood one Christmas by Elvis. At one point Larry
owned the 68 Hagstrom played by Elvis in
the 1968 NBC Special and regrets now selling it. Not quite as collectible
but unique none-the-less is the Gibson Super 400 used by Jonathan Rhys-Meyers
in the CBS mini series during the 1968
special segment to represent Scotty's.
Clothing on display in
the Moss collection - Sep. 29, 2011
Photos © James V. Roy
Clothing on display in
the Moss collection - Sep. 29, 2011
Photos © James V. Roy
The American Eagle cape and belt along with personal and movie
clothing of Elvis' - Sep. 29, 2011
Photos © James V. Roy
Sweaters and jackets owned and worn by Elvis in the '50s and '60s
- Sep. 29, 2011
Photos © James V. Roy

The red jacket from Lansky's owned by Elvis and seen in varied
promotion photos of the '50s - Sep. 29, 2011
Photo © James V. Roy
Not just limited to guitars, the collection, parts of
which are periodically on loan and displayed at Graceland and the Stax museum, also includes
clothing of Elvis', contracts (like the original contract with the
Colonel from the RCA signing in 1955), and the third American Eagle cape and belt made for Elvis
after he gave the second one away during 1973's Aloha From Hawaii
concert. The collection even includes Lisa Marie's marriage license to
Michael Jackson.

Postcard sent to Dewey Phillips from Elvis in Las Vegas
in April of 1956 - Sep. 29, 2011
Photo © James V. Roy

Larry Moss displaying many of the pieces in his collection -
Sep. 29, 2011
Photo © James V. Roy

The contract signing the Colonel as special
adviser to Elvis with RCA from November 21, 1955 - Sep. 29, 2011
Photo © James V. Roy

Larry Moss displaying many of the pieces in his collection -
Sep. 29, 2011
Photo © James V. Roy
The items pictured here are just a few of the items in the collection
they made available to us and on behalf of the fans everywhere we want to thank Larry and his wife
Judy for this presentation and appreciate them
sharing them with us.
Page added October 14, 2011