Props for the CBS Elvis mini series
Sometimes it's the little things that get you. For some,
especially for those familiar with any particular subject, when watching a
film about that subject the sight of a misplaced prop, a wrong piece of equipment in a conflicting
time frame or an error in continuity can provide enough of a distraction so as
to rob from the story that is being told. This is also quite often the
case for musicians and films about legendary artists. In the making of a
film there are usually people or company's who's sole responsibility it is to
watch for that. For props the responsibility lies with the propmaster and
in most cases an independent prop house is contracted to supply them.

History For Hire Prop House in N Hollywood, CA
In November of 2004 I was contacted by Jim Elyea from History
for Hire (HFH) in N. Hollywood, CA. Jim's company supplies props for the
Motion Picture and Television industry, specializing in Music, Military and
Movie equipment. He told me his firm had been contacted about supplying props
the new CBS mini-series "Elvis" scheduled for broadcast in May of
2005. He was
literally using Scotty's website as a guidebook for acquiring, building and
supplying era correct instruments and props. Being the competitive
perfectionist that he is he had a virtual plethora of questions regarding
details of the instruments and dates they were used by Scotty, Elvis, Bill and
DJ and since I'd been compiling and presenting a lot of this info here on the
site I was honored to be consulted and more than happy to assist.

Melissa Etheridge on the June 1, 1995 issue of Rolling Stone
Cover Photo by Peggy Sirota courtesy Rolling Stone
One of the first things we talked about was Scotty's first rig.
They had in house a 53 Gibson ES 295 that they had
previously used in a photo shoot with Melissa Etheridge for the cover of Rolling
Stone Magazine. Like Scotty had done with his, for use in the series Jim located and replaced the
tailpiece and bridge with a shorter style trapeze tailpiece and a Melita Synchro-Sonic
bridge. This along with a wide panel
Fender Deluxe
tweed amp would be used by the actor portraying Scotty in the film.
The Deluxe's covering that Jim had was really worn and ratty and he asked what Scotty's would've
been like. Scotty's would've been pristine since he had been
and still is impeccable with his instruments. Jim had theirs recovered.

Modified Gibson ES 295 used in the series
Photo courtesy Sage Kobayashi

Fender Tweed Deluxe amp used as Scotty's in the series
Photo courtesy Sage Kobayashi

The ES 295 and Deluxe amp for the mini series
Photo courtesy Jim Elyea
He was also in search of a Hagstrom
Viking II like the one Elvis borrowed from Al Casey for use in segments of
the 68 Comeback Special. I had seen several for sale in the past and they turn up on
eBay from time to time in various
states of condition but rarely the exact model as Al's. Jim told me the
writer of the series eventually purchased a sunburst model and had it refinished
in red for use in the show. The plan will be to have the cast all
autograph it and auction it off for charity after the show airs. Jim even
had an identical strap on hand as Elvis used that is almost the same as the one
used by Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock. He's hoping to get that back before
they auction the guitar.

Collection of photos at HFH of the Echosonic amp used to build
The problem with supplying some of these instruments as you can
probably guess is their availability. Real guitars of this type from that
era are expensive and often in the hands of collectors that naturally don't want
them in the hands of actors. As for some of the other Gibson's to be used
in the film I was told that Gibson would be supplying them or arranging for
their loan. Jim said a 1954
style L5CES guitar like Scotty played that Gibson had made special for use in the new Johnny
Cash bio-pic "Walk The Line"
(The Dempsey's actually portray Scotty, Bill and DJ in "Walk the
Line") was going to be loaned for the "Elvis" project. They were not going to build however a
style Super 400 like Scotty played after the L5 so one will not likely
appear in the film. As of this writing I haven't heard back from Gibson so
I'm not sure as to which other Gibson models will actually be used.
Echosonic replica with both early and later style cabinet fronts
Photos courtesy Jim Elyea
It was Jim's task though to
either locate or build a replica of Scotty's Echosonic amp. He opted for
the latter and asked about specifications. I had previously taken more than a few detailed photographs of
Scotty's amp while at his home in the summer
of 2003 but never actually took any measurements. Scotty was in London taping a show at Apple studios with Eric Clapton, Ron Wood and several
others at the time so I couldn't immediately get dimensions from him. I contacted
Floyd Baker in Corpus Christi, TX who has one and he gladly supplied the
dimensions of his for us. Steve
Bonner, also of Texas, supplied us with some detailed scans from photos of
the amp with its original pre-57 style cabinet. Using these and the photos
I sent him Jim was able to have a dead on replica (visually) of
Scotty's amp built, with two interchangeable fronts to represent both cabinet
styles. It was actually a working amp with delay, though not a vintage
tube and tape type but the actor could actually play through it. The only oversight was the mis-location of the Echo toggle switch
due to a miscommunication on my part about a modification made by Ray
Butts in the early '90s.

Martin's Replica of Elvis' tooled leather cover as used on his
Martin D28
Photo courtesy
The Martin Guitar Co.

replicated stick on letters by HFH Graphics
Chris Thomas with Artist Relations and Publicity of The
Martin Guitar Co. told me they loaned a new D-18
and a D-28,
with tortoise pickguards as used in the '50s, for use in the mini-series.
Martin also loaned their replica of the tooled leather cover Elvis used on his
D-28 but Stitch, the propmaster on
the show, had his regular leather guy make another tooled leather cover to use
in the film as he was concerned about damaging Martin's. Jim's graphics department at HFH replicated sheets of the metal stick on letters
spelling "ELVIS" to be used on the D-18 the way Elvis had his. I
mentioned to them the distinction between the orientation of the letters used on his 000-18
as opposed to the D-18 but they said that they were only going to be portraying the two
later Martin's and not his first one, the 000-18.

Jonathan Rhys-Meyers as Elvis with Martin D-28
(with and without cover),
with Shure 55 and RCA 77C microphones
Photos courtesy CBS and

Guitar used to represent Elvis' first
Photo courtesy Sage Kobayashi
The subject also came up about Elvis' first guitar, the one he
would've got from the Tupelo Hardware store for his 11th birthday and most
likely recorded at Sun with in the beginning. His timing with all this was pretty good because I had just
recently completed a section on the "complete"
performance guitars of Elvis and had included a page on what I had been able
to find about it. Since there are no known photos of Elvis
with it and the exact model can't be officially ascertained (at least not by me)
I suggested that they locate and use something simple and inexpensive of that
era, much like you might expect to find in a hardware store of the '40s, like a
Kay or Harmony. He had something he felt fit the bill in-house.

Kay basses used to represent Bill Black's at different times
Photo courtesy Sage Kobayashi

Fender Tweed Bassman amp used to represent Bill Black's
Photo courtesy Sage Kobayashi
Jim had asked about the color of Bill
Black's Kay bass hearing that it was painted gold. I had heard that
once before and had previously asked Scotty and he said it was only ever the standard
brown. Bill used to use adhesive type tape on the edges
of the bass and later added the same stick on letters as Elvis. The
letters on the bass don't appear though until around the time that Elvis got the
D-28. Jim said that since several scenes could be shot out of sequence, in
the interests of continuity, they would likely either be filmed always on or not
at all (the lettering). They went with a bass they had with painted on
edges feeling that on TV tape would not photograph any different. Scotty said
Bill eventually had had the edges of his painted. They also
sent out a tweed Fender Bassman for
Bill's character and a couple of early Fender tweed Pros for misc. people.
One was a tv front, and the other a wide panel.

Gretsch round badge kit with replicated calfskin used as DJ's
Photo courtesy Sage Kobayashi

Replicated calfskin drumhead used as DJ's
Photo courtesy Sage Kobayashi
Jim asked who the drummer was before DJ and said the script
called for DJ to be in scenes recording at Sun. There was no drummer with
the band before DJ and he never recorded at Sun. In fact there are only
drums on several later sessions at Sun and the drummers were Jimmy Lott and
Johnny Bernero. I called
Roland Janes at Phillips Recording Service to ask
about the sets they used and he told me that each of them used their own personal
set, not a house set and he couldn't recall the type. Jim said it was cost
to locate a Gretsch round badge kit
in Copper Mist like DJ's, a rare item, and they didn't want to recover the vintage Tangerine sparkle
set they had so it had to suffice (close
enough). He said it detailed
out really well, same snare, hi-hit, stands, seat, etc. However, they were able to replicate the calfskin head for the
bass like the one on DJ's. DJ is sometimes pictured playing at different
gigs a White Marine Pearl (WMP) set but DJ said he never
owned a set in WMP. They were quite likely either rented or someone else's on

RCA Broadcast console and talk-back mic used in Sun Studio scenes
Photo courtesy Sage Kobayashi

RCA Broadcast console and Ampex recorders used in Sun Studio
Photo courtesy Sage Kobayashi
In addition to the instruments,
Doree Cooper, the Set Decorator,
ordered much of the
vintage recording equipment from HFH that will be depicted on the sets for Sun
and the RCA studios as well as motion
picture and Television cameras and equipment for scenes involving re-creations of
Elvis' television appearances and movie filming. Jim has to have one of the
most impressive and largest collections of vintage microphones, audio and movie
equipment around.
You've no doubt seen a lot of them used in films like "Forest Gump" and
"That Thing You Do" as well
as last year's films "The
Aviator" and "Ray"
all for which he also provided props. For Sun, they also
came up with the same talkback mic and a 90% dead-on version of the rack with
the Ampex 350 recorder in it, as well as the Ampex 350 in the standard slanted
roll-around rack that Sam
Phillips had. He also had an RCA broadcast
console and modified it to look like the 76D Sam used.

Vintage RCA Television studio cameras
When I created the section on studios over a year ago I covered
a lot of the microphones that were used at the time and after viewing, Jim
pointed out that one of the models I had listed was actually a RCA 44A instead
of a 44BX. That was the one that was used in the
studio in New York for the
promotional photos of Elvis after signing with RCA. Jim also identified
and supplied the mic's in use for the re-creation of the 68 special but there was
one though that he didn't have and we could not identify. During most of
the performance segments Elvis appears to be using an
Electro-Voice RE 15
microphone but the one used during the stand up live performance and several
other segments was one that Jim didn't have. I asked Bavo Dekker who
had previously identified several mic's for me and he identified it as likely to be an Altec M28. I'm not sure if
one like this will be depicted in the series.

Sage Kobayashi at HFH working on the guitar to be used as Elvis'

Late 1920's Gibson L4 used as Charlie Hodge's (L30?) for the 68
Photo courtesy Sage Kobayashi
Sage Kobayashi is in charge of the musical
instrument section at HFH, and was quite instrumental in putting this all
together for the series. He put in a lot of time researching and did all the
luthier work on the guitars they supplied, setting them up so that they would be
good players as well as look good. For use in the 68 special segments
where Elvis, Scotty, DJ, Charlie Hodge and Alan Fortas sat
around a stage jamming before a live audience they
also sent out a late 20's black Gibson L-4 to represent Charlie's (L30?). Sage also detailed out the cases for DJ and the others to tap on for that

Altec microphone as used by Elvis in 1968
courtesy Bavo Decker
Filming for the series began the 2nd week of January on location
in New Orleans. The third week of January while I was in Anaheim, CA for the winter
NAMM show Jim invited me out to tour the prop
house in N. Hollywood. Though most of the props for the series where
already sent out and on location, it was a real pleasure to finally meet him and
the rest of the amazingly creative people that work there. I got to see
how they did these things first hand and took
plenty of pictures.
It was a pleasant surprise to see a loose-leaf binder full of printed pages of
Scotty's website (their guidebook) on one of the work tables. As an added
bonus Jim put me to work correcting the final timeline for which instruments to
be used and by whom in the series. At this point we don't know how true to
life they'll tell the story but we can only hope that the writers put as much
effort into getting the story right as Jim and History for Hire did at getting
the props right.

Yours Truly correcting the timeline at HFH
James V. Roy
March 29, 2005
The mini-series "Elvis" is currently scheduled
to air in
two parts on May 8th and May 11th, 2005 on CBS Television. Check local
listings for times.
April 5, 2005
EPE, Inc. is running a series of articles about Behind the
scenes of the series, click
to check them out. Also, CBS is now showing a preview on their website at
Some of the props from this mini-series will be on display in
the HFH booth at the VoxFest
on May 21 in North Hollywood. See for details.