Elvis’ Fans Step Up The
1961 Benefit concert at Bloch
Arena that Elvis, Scotty and the rest performed helped raise public
awareness for the construction efforts of the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial
and was very instrumental in effecting completion of the project.
Today, funding is generated through Pacific
Historic Park's online retail sales and park site bookstores,
audio tour programs, public membership support and fundraising
campaigns. In early July the NavyTimes
and Hawaii television station KHON
reported how Elvis fans have stepped up in the cause to help raise much
needed funds for the
restoration of the Memorial at Pearl Harbor Hawaii:

Elvis in Hawaii with fans - March
25, 1961
Photo courtesy Navy
Times Fans of Elvis are friends of the Navy
In March 1961, Elvis played a concert in Hawaii to
support the building of the memorial, which raised $64,000. Fans of the
King continued to support the cause after his death.
More than 50 years later, the memorial is in need of
close to $700,000 of renovations and Elvis fans are stepping up again.
Pacific Historic Parks have teamed up with Elvis Presley Enterprises to
raise money for the improvements, local television station KHON
The renovations include new floors and adding names to
the Shrine Wall, Jennifer Ujimori from Pacific History Parks told KHON.
Pacific Historic Parks is scheduled to receive a check
from an Elvis Presley fan club in August at an event in Graceland,
according to KHON. The memorial is also expecting to host about 750
Presley fans in January. A special event at the memorial is in the works
to say thanks to fans for the help over the years.
“We just want to make it something memorable for
them and their visit and to show them what Elvis did,” Ujimori
July 10th, 2012 by Jacqueline Klimas courtesy
NavyTimes Scoopdeck
Two weeks ago, during "Elvis Week" in Memphis, Pacific Historic
Parks was presented with a check to aid in that goal.

Elvis, during the Aloha from Hawaii Concert - Jan 13,
Photo © EPE, Inc. Since January of 2013 will mark the 40th Anniversary of Elvis’ Aloha from Hawaii
concert(s), Elvis Presley
Enterprises has packaged several
celebratory events there, including a special tour of the Memorial
for the fans. A limited edition t-shirt will again
be made exclusively by PHP, designed and printed in Hawaii, and offered
for sale online. The proceeds of which will further help fund the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial
restorations. Check back for more news about that and read
more about the need for restorations here.
Page added August 30, 2012
See also Elvis Fans Worldwide Focus Fundraising Efforts on USS Arizona