Horseshoe Casino August 8 & 9,

Bluesville Club at the Horseshoe Casino in Robinsonville,
Photo © James V. Roy
On Friday and Saturday August 8th and 9th Scotty
played again with Ronnie McDowell, D.J. Fontana and the Jordanaires on
Ronnie's Tribute to the King show. The show(s) are becoming
a regular event each year that kick off the annual Elvis Week
festivities in and around Memphis. Located inside the Horseshoe
Casino and Hotel in Robinsonville (Tunica), MS, the Bluesville club is a
medium sized venue that features major acts weekly. Long time
associate of Elvis, George Klein works at the
Casino and emceed this event.

George Klein
Photo © James V. Roy
The shows this weekend were dedicated to the memory
of Sam Phillips who recently passed away and without whom many of the
careers there would not likely have been launched. George
requested a moment of silence in his memory at the start of each show.

Scotty Moore
Photo © James V. Roy

The band onstage
Photo © James V. Roy
The band this year consisted of Scotty and Kevin
Woods on guitar, D.J. Fontana and Ronnie McDowell Jr. on drums,
Moore on bass, Ronnie McDowell on vocals with Mille Kirkham and Gordon
Stoker, Curtis Young, Louis Nunley and Ray Walker of the
Steve Shepherd on keyboards and Frank Michaels on baritone guitar.

Scotty, Kevin Woods, Ronnie McDowell and Bob Moore
Photo © James V. Roy

Scotty takes a bow
Photo © James V. Roy

Kevin Woods and D.J. Fontana
Photo © James V. Roy

Bob Moore and Ronnie McDowell
Photo © James V. Roy
Bob Moore, who only recently started filling in on
bass with Ronnie's band when Scotty plays with them, the first time last
month in Canada, is and has been a member of the Nashville
He's played on countless hits like Patsy Cline's "Crazy" and
many of Elvis' sessions since June of 1958. In fact the bass he
had that night is the very one he used on many of those sessions and it
inspired Ronnie to sing a little bit of "Crazy", only in a
manner as if Elvis might have done it. Very entertaining!

Steve Shepherd on keyboards
Photo © James V. Roy

Frank Michaels on Scotty's Baritone guitar
Photo © James V. Roy

Ronnie McDowell Jr. (RD or Ronnie Dean for short)
Photo © James V. Roy
Steve Shepherd is Ronnie's road manager and keyboard player
and a very good friend of Scotty's. In addition he also does a lot
of engineering at Scotty's home studio. Frank Michaels who
sometimes fills in as bass player for Ronnie played Scotty's baritone
guitar this weekend and also alternated on acoustic. Ronnie
McDowell Jr., who is generally referred to as Ronnie Dean or RD, was the
second drummer this weekend. He had to explain to the crowd
Saturday night after the show that it was his sister who became a proud
parent and not he. Ronnie made the announcement that on Friday
night he had become a Grandparent. Congratulations Grandpa!

Scotty trading licks with Kevin Woods
Photo © James V. Roy

Ronnie and Patsy Andersen
Photo © James V. Roy

Ella Shepherd, Scotty and Patsy Andersen
Photo © James V. Roy

Patsy thanks Scotty for the dance
Photo © James V. Roy
As the band prepared to play "Blue Suede
Shoes" Scotty called out for Patsy Andersen and Ella Shepherd to
come up and be the gogo dancers for the song. Reluctantly, but not
very, they complied. Patsy is a long time friend and is the head
of fan relations at Graceland. Ella, Steve's wife, was also at the
show last month in Canada and won about $15,000 in the casino there on
one pull of a slot machine. Heck, I'd be dancing too!

Millie Kirkham and The Jordanaires
Photo © James V. Roy

Ronnie McDowell and Millie Kirkham
Photo © James V. Roy
Millie Kirkham and The Jordanaires were there
providing the vocals they had recorded and performed with Elvis on many
of his hits. Gordon Stoker, the longest reining member of the
Jordanaires has been with the group for 53 years and precedes even Elvis
as a performing artist. He told the story of how Elvis met them
first in 1955 at the Ellis auditorium and said that if he ever made it
to a major label he would have them sing backup for him. He kept
his word. Ray Walker, the 2nd to longest member has been singing
bass with the group since 1957 and told of how he had recommended to
Elvis, who always liked to sing Gospel with them, that he should perform
and record "How Great Thou Art". Millie, still hitting
the high notes like she's been since the '50s spoke of how Gordon had
recommended to Elvis that she come in to sing. When she came in,
very pregnant, Elvis gave her his sideways grin and said, "Somebody
please get this woman a chair". The next time he saw her was
over a year later and he asked "Did you ever have that baby?"

Scotty and Kevin Woods kick off the second night
Photo © James V. Roy

Steve Shepherd
Photo © James V. Roy

Scotty, Ronnie and Kevin Woods
Photo © James V. Roy
The show on Friday night was great but the show on
Saturday can only be described as phenomenal. Generally Scotty
likes to stick to the set list like the way they always performed but Ronnie
on the other hand likes to sometimes change things and add a song or two
on the fly. That's not a problem though for this collection of
veterans, they had it covered. Millie Kirkham though at one point
didn't come out when he decided to do a song that she had originally
performed with Elvis. Ray Walker joked that she was waiting for
her queue as scheduled and reminded Ronnie that he should expect that
since he's working with senior citizens. Everyone laughed at that.

Ronnie jokingly gets read the riot act by Millie
Photo © James V. Roy

Millie, Gordon, Curtis, Louis and Ray
Photo © James V. Roy
During the show Ray Walker related the story of how he
met an older fan from Australia who introduced him to her 9 year old granddaughter.
She told him that she couldn't understand why her granddaughter was an
Elvis fan since she wasn't even alive when Elvis was performing.
Ray explained in better words than I can remember that like the many
countless of other fans who were and weren't around at the time they
become fans by hearing the music and/or seeing the films and
videos. That's not exclusive to any age group and is essentially
timeless. Nicely put Ray! It really always has been about
the music.

Scotty, Kevin, D.J. Bob, Frank and RD
Photo © James V. Roy
At one point in the show Jim Ritz came out and
performed a duet with Ronnie. Jim and Ronnie have been friends for
over 25 years. He is an actor/writer and producer who has appeared
in many films like "How the Grinch Stole Christmas",
"Ransom", "Apollo 13", "Backdraft",
"Cocoon" and "Splash". He was also a writer
for the TV show "Happy Days" and an associate producer on the TV
series "Elvis".

Ronnie and Jim Ritz
Photo © James V. Roy

Ronnie and George Klein
Photo © James V. Roy
At one point close to the end of the show a fan went
up with a gift for Ray, ladies underwear, a very large lady no doubt. Ray called out to his
wife who was in the audience that they now had the cover for the garden they
had been looking for.

Ray is given a fan's underwear ( a really BIG fan)
Photo © James V. Roy
With the shows being so close to Memphis during Elvis
week it also serves as an opportunity for lots of friends and Elvis fans to
see the show and to say hello. Two friends of Scotty and Gail
sitting next to me were Jimmy Page and Cindy Hazen. Jimmy is an
attorney in California who when he was just a kid in the '50s went to
school dressed like Elvis. The other kids beat him up so badly
that he was hospitalized and required extensive surgery to his
eye. Elvis heard about it and showed up and paid for the
operation. They were friends for long after that. Cindy
along with her husband Mike owns the home that Elvis lived in before he bought
Graceland. It is the first home that Elvis bought and is located
at 1034 Audubon
Drive in Memphis.

Jimmy Page and Cindy Hazen
Photo © James V. Roy
After the shows the band always comes out to sign autographs
and to meet the fans. The lines are long since almost everyone
wants to get a CD, picture or brings items from home to get
autographed. The guys are always happy and willing to sign and
stay there until every one that wants to gets to go up. The people are
always friendly and this part is almost as much fun as the show.

The lines form after the show
Photo © James V. Roy

Attempts are made to keep it organized and moving
Photo © James V. Roy

Scotty and Bob Moore
Photo © James V. Roy
Its great to see Bob out in the public eye. The
great session players like him have made such contributions to music and
are almost never out and accessible to the fans.

Scotty signs a fans guitar
Photo © James V. Roy

His guitar got signed by everyone
Photo © James V. Roy

Scotty autographs a copy of his
Photo © James V. Roy

Gold lame' suits optional
Photo © James V. Roy

The end of the line
Photo © James V. Roy
As I mentioned, during Elvis week you never know who's
going to be around. On hand tonight was also Jerry
Schilling. Jerry was another close member of the "Elvis
family" and went on to produce television shows, documentaries and
also managed the Beach Boys for many years. Until 1999 he was
president and chief executive officer of the Memphis and Shelby County
Music Commission and has been a friend
of Scotty's for many years and was also at his 70th birthday party last

Jerry Schilling and George Klein
Photo © James V. Roy

Gail Pollock, Jim
Ritz and Karen Fontana
Photo © James V. Roy

D.J. Ronnie, Scotty and Bob
Photo © James V. Roy

Bob and Scotty have some fun at D.J.'s expense
Photo © James V. Roy

Scotty, Jerry Townsend and Gail Pollock
Photo © James V. Roy
Jerry Townsend was also there at the show. In
addition to being a good friend he's also done a lot of booking for
Scotty and Ronnie and recently installed the cedar walls in Scotty's
studio. Speaking of the studio, Scotty and Gail had to cut an
excellent weekend short and head back to Nashville on Sunday for some
session work. They would be coming back for Wednesday though
for a presentation at the Grand Casino in Tunica but were at least able
to help get this years Elvis week off to a great start. If you
happened to be there at either of the shows, write in and tell us about
James V. Roy
August 13, 2003