RCA Victor - 1525 McGavock St.

1525 McGavock St. - ca. 1980
Photo by Helmut Radermacher courtesy "Elvis Recording
Sam Phillips sold Elvis' contract to RCA Victor the first recording
sessions the band did with the new label were held in Nashville on
January 10 and 11, 1956. The studio at 1525 McGavock St. was RCA's
permanent recording facilities there. Nashville itself was not yet the recording
center it would eventually become, in fact up to then there were only a
few studios in town.

1525 McGavock St. as it appeared Dec 2003
Photo © James V. Roy
Bob Moore's diagram of entry to RCA's studio
Photo © James V. Roy When RCA
Victor first came to Nashville they used to record at Brown Brothers
Transcription Service, a tiny studio for making jingles at 240 4th Ave.
North. Thomas Productions, a garage at 109 13th Ave. North, was also used for their portable
equipment that they would bring from New York. From 1946 to
1954, like other labels, they also used the "The Castle" in
the Tulane Hotel at 8th and Church St., which was actually the
first real studio in Nashville with permanent equipment. In 1954
Steve Sholes set up RCA's first permanent studio and he hired Chet
Atkins to manage the facility.

Hank Snow at RCA's McGavock St. Studio - ca. 1954
Photo courtesy Hank Snow Railroad Man added
Apr. 25, 2012

Hank Snow at RCA's McGavock St. Studio - ca. 1954
Photo courtesy Hank Snow Railroad Man added
Apr. 25, 2012 The building, located at 1525 McGavock St.,
at the time was
owned and operated by the United Methodist Television, Radio & Film Commission.
had a studio and an office in the building; the Methodist's had
everything else. Nashville A-Teamer Bob
Moore who played bass on countless sessions there said that you entered
the studio from a door on the side of the building via an alleyway
between that building and "Washcannons", the little coffee
shop next door.
Elvis at the McGavock St. Studio - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven courtesy Julian Keen collection - replaced Apr. 25, 2012
Steve Sholes, Chet Atkins, Bitsy Mott and Elvis - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven courtesy Julian Keen collection added
Apr. 25, 2012 They recorded on monaural equipment (single track) and
the studio was somewhat of a live room with a curved
ceiling that created low frequency problems causing
bass notes to be boomy and roll around for a long time. They were always in search of a dead spot for the bass.
Bob said that there wasn't a spot on the floor
there where he hadn't stuck his bass peg. They also had several
large curtains hanging on the walls to help "deaden" the
room. They employed the use of movable "wall-like"
baffles to isolate instruments to minimize sound bleeding into other
Steve Sholes, Ben and Brock Speer, Gordon Stoker, Elvis and D.J. - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven courtesy Julian Keen collection - replaced Apr. 25, 2012

Bill, Chet, Scotty, D.J., Elvis, Ben Speer and Steve Sholes - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven courtesy Ger Rijff

Elvis at RCA's McGavock St. Studio - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven added Apr. 25, 2012
Elvis, Gordon Stoker, Ben and Brock Speer - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven courtesy Julian Keen collection added
Apr. 25, 2012

Steve Sholes, Elvis, Bitsy Mott and Ben Speer - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven added Apr. 25, 2012 At
the band's first session RCA was anxious to recreate the "slapback" echo effect
that Sam Phillips had created at Sun. To add them to Elvis' vocals Chet and engineer Bob
created a psuedo "echo chamber" by setting up
a speaker at one end of a long hallway and a microphone at the other end
and recording the echo live. It sounded strange to hear it as they
were recording because Sam used to add the effect after.
.jpg) .jpg)
Elvis, Gordon Stoker, Ben and Brock Speer - Apr. 14, 1956
Photos © Don Craven courtesy Julian Keen collection
added Apr. 25, 2012
Chet Atkins, Elvis, Gordon Stoker, Ben and Brock Speer - Apr. 14, 1956
Photos © Don Craven added Apr. 25, 2012
Chet Atkins, Steve Sholes, Elvis, Gordon Stoker, Ben and
Brock Speer - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven courtesy Julian Keen collection added
Apr. 25, 2012
Chet Atkins, Steve Sholes, Elvis, Gordon Stoker, Ben and
Brock Speer - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven courtesy Julian Keen collection added
Apr. 25, 2012 Though
Steve Sholes had put Chet in charge of the session, when asked by Scotty
what he should play, his only instruction was that they should just do
what they normally do. This essentially resulted in them
"producing" themselves, which became the norm. This was the
first session that D.J. Fontana played on since he joined the band and
was also the first of many sessions that Floyd Cramer would play piano
on. Elvis had
requested the Jordanaires for backup vocals but RCA had recently signed
the Speer family gospel group to their label so Chet only brought in Gordon
Stoker of the Jordanaires and used two of the Spears. Among
others, they cut "Heartbreak Hotel."
Bill, D.J., Scotty, Elvis and Steve Sholes with the Gold
Record - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven courtesy Julian Keen collection replaced Apr. 25, 2012

Bill, D.J., Scotty, and Elvis with the Gold
Record - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven added
Apr. 25, 2012
Bill, D.J., Scotty, and Elvis with the Gold
Record - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven courtesy Julian Keen collection added
Apr. 25, 2012 Later
that year, in April, they returned to McGavock St. to record one more
time, with pretty much the same line-up except for Marvin Hughes
replacing Floyd on piano. While on tour in Texas
they flew to Nashville immediately after a show in Amarillo on the13th
to record for one day on the 14th and were back in
San Antonio to perform on the
15th. The
pilot got lost in the dark after takeoff, and nearly ran out of
gas. They arrived a little shaken to say the least and were not in
the best mood to record but they did manage to cut "I Want You, I
Need You, I Love You". Steve Sholes presented Elvis with a Gold record for "Heartbreak Hotel".
With the success of that single Nashville suddenly became
"the" center and publishers, recording
companies, songwriters, pop and rock musicians from all over began to
flock there.
Chet Atkins, Steve Sholes, Elvis, Gordon Stoker, Ben and
Brock Speer - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven courtesy Julian Keen collection replaced Apr. 25, 2012
Chet Atkins, Steve Sholes, Elvis, Gordon Stoker, Ben and
Brock Speer - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven courtesy Julian Keen collection added
Apr. 25, 2012

Chet Atkins, Elvis, Gordon Stoker, Ben and
Brock Speer - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven courtesy TIME

Bill, DJ, Chet Atkins, Elvis, Gordon Stoker, Ben and
Brock Speer - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven courtesy TIME
RCA moved
out of the building when they opened Studio B on Music Row by the end of
1957. At some point after, the building next door that was
Washcannon's coffee
shop was acquired and the two combined to its present structure creating
more smaller studios and offices. By the time
Jim Owens
Productions leased the buildings from
a group of investors represented by J.C. West in late 1983 the
Methodists had moved and the building had been vacant for sometime.
Elvis and
Brock Speer - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven courtesy Julian Keen collection replaced Apr. 25, 2012

Elvis listens to playback through the LC-1A
at McGavock St. Studio - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven added Apr. 25, 2012 Jim
totally remodeled the building, dividing RCA's old space into editing suites, a control
room, and audio booths. They
enclosed the parking lot with a
concrete wall, including the arch over one of the entrances,
added redwood to the front of the main building and moved into the
facilities in May of 1984. From this location they produced dozens
of TV series, specials, and syndicated shows including the Crook & Chase
show. They used the small building that was the coffee
shop for tape storage in the rear and their news
photographers used the front. At one time they had five crews
the world for country music news.

Elvis signing autographs for fans as he leaves the studio
- Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven courtesy TIME Jim
recalls, "How it
looks today, is pretty similar to when we moved in, wear and
tear considered. Over the years the Jordanaires appeared on Crook & Chase and
reminisced about those recordings, pointing out to us exactly where
they took place. Gordon Stoker showed us a book with pictures that
his son Brent has. Years ago there was an
article in Life Magazine with
several pictures taken inside the McGavock studio. One I remember
was a wide shot with Elvis standing at the microphone and several
band members standing around. I spent 15 years there, produced thousands
of hours
of television and radio, and still have a strong fondness for it."
They left in July of 1999.

The black draped former RCA and Crook & Chase Studio
space - Dec. 2003
Photo © James V. Roy added
Apr. 25, 2012

The former McGavock St. Studio - Dec. 2003
Photo © James V. Roy Today, Beaman Automotive
Group located in Nashville owns the
building and the property is managed by Michael Spencer of Crye-Leike
Commercial. Spaces are rented by several small companies and
studios and the space that was formerly occupied by RCA Victor and where
Elvis, Scotty and the band made their first Nashville recordings is now
occupied by Clear
Voice Solutions. James V. Roy
February 2004
several photos upgraded and added on April 25, 2012
Special thanks to Bob and Kittra
Moore and Jim

Elvis with his 1st Gold Record - Apr. 14, 1956
Photo © Don Craven

The one Millionth Record of
presented to
in appreciation of his outstanding achievement
Photo © James V. Roy

Misdated Nashville RCA recording sheet - April 11, 1956
courtesy Ger Rijff - added Nov. 12, 2008

Rubble remains January 18, 2006 after
demolition began at the studio at 1525 McGavock St. where Elvis
Presley's Heartbreak Hotel single was recorded 50 years ago this month
to give way for car dealers parking lot.
Photo by JOHN PARTIPILO / STAFF © courtesy
The Tennessean |

Before and After - Dec 2003/2006
Photos © James V. Roy
Hank Snow at
McGavock St.
in color

Hanks Snow's County Guitar - Released January 1957
Various covers of Hank Snow's RCA releases featured him in studio shots
at the McGavock Street studio in 1954, in color,
that give us
an idea of the theme at the time in the studio where we've only seen pix
in black and white.
Varies covers for compilation releases featuring photos
from same session at McGavock St. - ca. 1954
Photos courtesy web
I thought it possible that the photos might possibly be colorized but
Jimmie Rodgers Snow, who also recorded there, confirmed that the photos
were color.

Photo courtesy web
section added September 2013 |