Midland High School Auditorium
Midland, TX

Midland High School main entrance - 1955
1955 Yearbook Photo courtesy Mary Hurst
Midland, TX was originally founded as the midway point
between Fort Worth and El Paso. The original Midland High School in
Midland, TX was built in 1926 and
was moved twenty-three years later to a new building in 1949 at 906 West
Illinois Avenue.1

Midland High School Auditorium - 1955
1955 Yearbook Photo courtesy Mary Hurst
The auditorium and stage at the High School were built
in 1949 along with the rest of the new facilities.1
The auditorium, including the balcony, seats approximately 1,600.

Midland High School Band onstage in the Auditorium - 1955
1955 Yearbook Photo courtesy Mary Hurst

School production in the Midland High School Auditorium -
1956 Yearbook Photo courtesy Mary Hurst
On January 7, 1955, the day before Elvis' 20th birthday,
Elvis, Scotty and Bill performed at the High School along with several
other acts from the Louisiana hayride in what was billed as a "Western
Show." They had appeared with several of the acts on the 6th at the Fair Park Coliseum
in Lubbock as a result of KDAV radio owner Dave Stone.
Joe Treadway was a co-owner with Stone of KPEP
radio station in San Angelo. Treadway had been responsible for
bringing the boys to San Angelo on the 5th and had teamed up with
Midland/Odessa Radio KJBC deejay Keith Ward to bring them to Midland on
the 7th.2 The Midland paper on the 6th advertised:
 The Midland Reporter-Telegram, Thursday, January 6, 1955
Western Show Here Friday To Feature Hayride Stars
Five "top-billing" stars of the Louisiana Hayride - plus
a Hayride Western Band - will be in Midland Friday for an 8 p.m. show in
Midland High School Auditorium.
The show, sponsored by the Midland Youth Center and the
high school student council, will feature Elvis Presley, king of Western
"bop;" Bill Walker, the tall Texan; comic singers Jimmy and Johnny, and
comedian Peach Seed Jones, radio, television and stage funnyman.
Nineteen-year-old Presley, fast becoming one of the top
stars in Western music circles, is noted for such recordings as "Blue
Moon of Kentucky," "Good Rocking Tonight," "That's All Right," and "I
Don't Care if the Sun Don't Shine."
Walker, who stands six feet, three inches, has made
about 20 recordings among them "Anything Your Heart Desires," "Pretend
You Just Don't Know Me," "Thank You for Calling," and "You Are the Only
Good Thing That's Happened to Me."
Jimmy and Johnny won their way to fame with such songs
as "If You Don't Someone Else Will."
Proceeds of the show will go to the Youth Center's
operating fund.
article courtesy Ger Rijff
Treadway, Joe's wife, brought them into Midland's
radio station for an interview and to plug the show.2
According to Billboard magazine, over 1600 people bought tickets.3
Cecil Holifield owned record shops in Odessa and
Midland. Shirley McDade, a high school
senior that worked part-time at Holifield's Record Shop in Midland at
the time, recalls that Elvis also dropped by the shop in January. The
band would perform in the West Texas area several more times that year. In the early days on
their jaunts into west Texas, or just passing through, Elvis would stay at
the Holifield's home.4 "Peach Seed Jones" was actually Tillman Franks, who in
addition to promoting acts for the Hayride also did comedy and played
bass fiddle.

Elvis backstage at Midland HS - May 31, 1955
Photo courtesy Stanley Oberst's Elvis in
Texas added March 27, 2013 |
The boys made their second appearance at the Midland High Auditorium
on May 31, 1955 for a 7:30 p.m. show. Billboard reported,
"Elvis Presley continues to gather speed over the South," writes
Cecil Holifield, operator of the Record Shops in Midland and Odessa,
Tex. "West Texas is his hottest territory to date," continues Holifield,
"and he is the teenagers' favorite wherever he appears. His original
appearance in the area was in January, with Billy Walker at Midland,
Tex., to more than 1,600 paid admissions. In February, with Hank Snow
at Odessa, 20 miles form Midland, paid attendance hit over 4000. On
April 1, we booked Elvis and his boys, Bill and Scotty, plus Floyd
Cramer on piano and a local boy on drums for a rockin' and rollin' dance
for teen-agers, and pulled 850 paid admissions. We are booking Elvis for
May 31, heading his own show with Ferlin Huskey, the Carlisles, Martha,
Carson. J.E. and Maxine Brown and Onie Wheeler on a round robin starting
at 7:30 p.m. in Midland and 8:30 p.m. in Odessa. Incidentally, our sales
of Presley's four records have beat any individual artist in our eight
years in the record business." 3
As the opening acts finished in Midland they drove immediately to Odessa
for the 8:30 p.m. show.
They made their third and final appearance at the High School Auditorium
on October 12, 1955. The
7:30 show cost $1.25 in advance and $1.50 at the door, children 50
cents.5 It is reputedly at this
show that Elvis met Roy Orbison for the first time though Roy had wanted
to meet him since seeing him perform at least as early as Dallas in April while
attending college at North Texas State
University in Denton near Fort Worth.
The Oct. 12 package show starred Elvis Presley and featured Johnny
Cash, Wanda Jackson, Floyd Cramer, Porter Wagoner, Bobby Lord, Jimmy C.
Newman and Jimmy Day. Jane Carrens, a student at Midland High at the
time, who later became principal there, said it is amazing to look back
and think how accommodating the school administration was for such
events. In fact, classes were often called off when a big name act was
scheduled to appear in the evening, so that students could attend a free
preview in the school auditorium. "It was crazy to see how the
girls reacted to Elvis," Carrens said. "These were friends of
mine and they just went crazy when he came on stage."6

Roy Orbison an Charline Arthur in Dallas - ca.1956
Photo courtesy
Steve Bonner |
Only 19 at the time of the last Midland show, Roy Orbison had been born in Vernon, TX
, raised in Wink, TX and in the fall of 55 transferred to
Odessa Junior college for
his second year (previously at North State a college buddy, Pat Boone,
recommended he write more pop oriented songs). With some members
of his high school days band, the Wink Westerners, he
formed the Teen Kings, who were regularly featured at local dances and
talent shows and on Television stations KMID and KOSA. Cecil Holifield Jr., a student at MHS, said his dad
not only promoted the Presley and Cash concert, but also arranged for
various stars to appear on TV and radio in Midland/Odessa. In addition,
"Pop" Holifield Sr., was also an adviser to Orbison about his would-be
career. One of the performances he arranged was a Wednesday afternoon
appearance on KMID (the day of the show). Also scheduled to appear on the show was
Johnny Cash.6 **
It is rumored that Holifield asked Cash to appear on
KMID because he knew that Orbison would also be performing. Cash
was dazzled by his abilities and invited Orbison to the Midland High
concert with a promise that he could finally meet Elvis. Oberst said, "By
this time nobody was getting backstage unless they were let backed by
someone like Cash. There were just too many girls wanting a piece of
Elvis. There were also a lot of jealous boyfriends that they didn't want
back there."6
Johnny suggested to Roy that he call Sam Phillips at Sun, whose
response was something to the effect "Johnny Cash doesn't run my
record company!" However, Holifield would later play a
recording of Roy's "Ooby Dooby" for Sam that eventually got Roy
an invite and ultimately a contract with Sun in March of 1956.7

Midland High School main entrance - 2005
Photo courtesy Wikipedia
Today the High School (officially
Midland Senior High
School) is part of
Midland Independent School District. It hosts only
high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors (10th-12th grades) as
Midland Freshman High School serves as a feeder school hosting freshman
high school students.1

Midland High School Auditorium - 2008
Photo courtesy Google Street Maps
Both Midland High School and Midland Freshman High School use the same school mascot, the Midland High Bulldog. Also, the freshmen year of each class the Midland Freshmen school holds a Bulldog Beauty contest where real English bulldogs come and the Freshmen class votes on their class mascot. This dog stays and remains their class mascot through their senior year.1

Midland High School Auditorium Stage - Sept 1, 2009
Photo by Jill Howbert courtesy Mary Hurst
In recent years, the school has received major
renovations including complete asbestos removal and new science wing but the
auditorium is basically the same.1

Midland High School Auditorium - Sept 1, 2009
Photo by Jill Howbert courtesy Mary Hurst

Midland High School Auditorium Stage - Sept 1, 2009
Photo by Jill Howbert courtesy Mary Hurst
A fire in 2008 though required some replacement work. About the only
difference they have made is when they remodeled they took out one set
of steps going up to the stage, now we only have one set. They have also
replaced the curtains.8

Aerial view of Midland High School Auditorium - 2009
Photo © Microsoft EarthData

Aerial view of Midland High School - 2009
Photo © Microsoft EarthData
page added September 14, 2009
** It's been speculated and rumored that Elvis also
appeared on the same KMID television show as Johnny and Roy. Scotty
said he has no recollection of having been anywhere with
Roy Orbison
on stage, or performed or made an appearance as a band and if Elvis did
so without the band he has no recollection of this ever happening. Some people have claimed to have actually seen
footage but to date nothing has publicly surfaced to substantiate that
any exists or that Elvis actually made any appearance.
Special Thanks to Mary Hurst of the
Midland High School Library for her assistance with photos for this
page, to Gary Gardner of the Midland
County Public Library and to AEK's Luuk Bonthond
for The Billboard links.
1 according to wikipedia
2 according to "Rockin'
across Texas" by Stanley Oberst
3 excerpt from "The
Billboard" - June 4, 1955
4 according to "Early
Elvis The Sun Years" by Bill E. Burk
5 according to "Did
Elvis Sing in Your Hometown" by Lee Cotten
6 excerpted from "Midland
'55: When Orbison Met Elvis" by W.W. Bear Mills courtesy
Information Network
7 according to The Sun Record Company's "Roy Orbison"
June 28, 2007
8 according to Mary Hurst,
Midland High School Library