Backstage with The Rolling Stones in

Most people know the great music made by the Rolling Stones,
But very few have the opportunity to see what great guys they are. In December,
2005, we went to Memphis for the Big Bang Tour show on the 3rd and we got a
close look at the REAL Stones! Scotty was treated with such love and
respect, and the others of us who went along were treated just like we were rock
and roll royalty, too!

Ella, Scotty and DJ
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

Gail, Scotty and DJ
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd
We met our two friends, Ella Shepherd (the back and our official Site
photographer) and D.J. Gross, at the Horseshoe Casino in Tunica, where we
stayed. We had dinner and then went upstairs to our room where the girls gave
Scotty a thank you cake and a beautiful marble plaque with a picture of Scotty
and Elvis etched on it.

Scotty with the Plaque from Ella and DJ
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

Gail cuts Scotty's Birthday cake
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

DJ and Ella in Tunica
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

Scotty and DJ enroute to show
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd
I'm making a special stand and light to display that in
Scotty's entranceway at home. Then we all had some cake and some of that big
bottle of wine in the picture of me cutting the cake. The picture of Ella and D
J. was made in our room just before we left for the concert, then the picture of
D J and Scotty was made in the car on the way to the concert....aren't they
beautiful girls!

Marquee at the FedEx Forum in Memphis
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

Scotty and Gail getting the passes
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

Ella, Tony and DJ
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd
When we got to Memphis, there were lots of people milling
around and the huge marquee with the group name on top. After walking around at
least half of the huge FedEx Forum, we arrived at the backstage party. As we
were entering, Charlie Watts was just coming out. He chatted a minute and then
had Keith's bodyguard, Tony, come and get us and take us to Keith's dressing
room. Tony is the happy guy between Ella and D.J. He's been with Keith for
years, has helped Scotty get around backstage at four different concerts so far!
Tony, Thanks so much....we love you!

Keith Richards, Scotty, Elvis and Ron Wood
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

Keith, Scotty, DJ and Ron in Keith's dressing room
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

Keith, Scotty, Ron and Gail in Keith's dressing room
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

Keith and Ella
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd
When we got to the dressing room, instead of doors there were
curtains....Tony threw them open and there stood Scotty with one arm around Ella
and one around DJ. Ron and Keith just stood there with their mouths open and
then Ron said, "Well, Alright, man." Wish we had a camera then.....that was a
priceless look on their faces! In the dressing room they had a full size cutout
of Elvis, so he got into several of the pictures. Also, the girls had on leather
jackets and did not want to destroy the jackets, so they had their backstage
passes on their jeans. Keith got down on his knees to sign the
about that! But I think he enjoyed it, too!

Keith signs Ella's backstage pass
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

Keith signs DJ's backstage pass
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

Gail and DJ enjoy the backstage food
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd
We were supposed to go to the Blues City Café for the world's
greatest ribs before the show, but the gate people told us to prevent copying
tickets, we could not leave once our tickets had been scanned. So we went back
to the backstage party and had Beef Wellington, lobster tails, and stuff like

The Rolling Stones onstage
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

The Rolling Stones onstage
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

Mick Jagger and Keith Richards
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd
There were supposed to be no cameras, but there were
cellphones and flashes everywhere, so Ella got a couple of shots of the guys on
stage. There is one especially that is so good of Mick and looks
exactly like the Rolling Stones on stage should look.

Gail, Kevin and DJ
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

Charlie Watts and Ron Wood onstage
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd
There is also a picture of me, Kevin Kane (our friend and the
owner of the Blues City Café) and DJ in our seats. We were on the 8th row from
the stage right in front of Mick, so we could see EVERYTHING. Scotty sat in a
zebra covered chair on the back of the stage just behind Charlie's drum stand.
Ron said he kept running back there and Scotty was always facing backward. After
the show, he asked him why and Scotty said he was watching the show on the
jumbotron! All of this was made possible by our friends in the Stones
organization, Sherry Daly in London, and Jane Rose in New York. Jane and Sherry,
we cannot thank you enough, and Jane, I loved Ruby Tuesday!

Mick Jagger onstage
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

Ron Wood and his wife Jo
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd
After the show, Ron (shown with his beautiful wife Jo) leaned
over the back of the stage and invited us to the wrap party at the Peabody Hotel
afterward. This was their last show of the year and they were all returning home
for a month before starting again with the rest of the tour in January.

DJ, Scotty, Kevin, Ella and Gail back at the Peabody
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

DJ, Gail, Lisa and Ella
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd
While we were waiting for the party, Scotty, DJ, Kevin Kane,
Ella, and I had a drink in the Peabody lobby. This is our group shot. When we
got into the party, DJ Ella and I had our picture made with Lisa, the Stones'
beautiful and tremendously talented backup singer. I told her that many years
ago Keith said that everyone else wanted to be Elvis but he want to be Scotty.
So I said to Lisa, "Everyone else wants to be Mick, I want to be Lisa."

DJ, Kevin, Scotty, Ron, Charlie and Gail
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

Jo and Ella
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd
Ron came in, sat with us, smooched all the ladies, and told
us that Charlie Watts never came to the wrap parties. But a few minutes later,
Charlie came in, sat with us and talked for awhile (I told him that his Sherry
Daly in London had made this possible), and we all commented on how great he
looks after he was ill last year. Scotty told him that he had never seen a band
work so hard....they do 1 hour and 45 minutes, and never stop for a break! He
told Charlie that Elvis did 45 minutes and left. Charlie sighed and said, "I'd
LOVE to work a show for only 45

Mick Jagger
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

Ron smooching Gail
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

Ron smooching DJ
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

Ron smooching Ella and Ella smooching Ron
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd
After Charlie left, we were joined by Mick Jagger, who was so quiet and
dignified we were all charmed.....he's not like that on stage! Just before we
left, Ron smooched all the ladies and told us goodbye, and Ella and DJ laughed
all the way back to the hotel about how they would someday sit in their nursing
home together and talk about the night they met the Rolling Stones!
Gail Pollock
December 15, 2005

Hanging out in Keith's dressing room before the show
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd

Ella, Keith, Scotty, DJ and Ron
Photo courtesy Ella Shepherd
Ella Shepherd and D.J. Gross are longtime
friends of Gail and Scotty and are members in good standing of Scotty's
regular entourage affectionately called Moore's

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