Moore's Feel Good Mafia

Photo © James V. Roy My friend D.J. Gross and her children, Joseph and Ashley visited us a
couple of weeks before the 50th anniversary and we had a cook-out on
Gail's deck, along with Scotty. After dinner (during drinks)
conversation turned to the anticipated week-end. We talked about how
Scotty's "Group" needed shirts with a logo. I commented that
Elvis had his Mafia and Scotty needed one also, "Moore's
Mafia". Steve said it should be "Moore's Feel Good Mafia"
from his album and Bill Black's comment of the music.

Molly Blanks, DJ Gross, Ella Shepherd, Gail Pollock,
Patsy Andersen, DJ and Scotty - July 5, 2004
Photo © James V. Roy

Molly Blanks, DJ Gross, Ella Shepherd, Gail Pollock, DJ and Scotty - July 5, 2004
Photo © James V. Roy The
next day I got on the computer and pulled up '50s bowling shirts. Several sights came up, but for some reason I locked in on one called
"Cruisin USA".
I e-mailed them about my wishes for the shirts
(time was short and Gail had her doubts it could be done). Of course I
was determined, and luckily "Cruisin USA" was very excited about
the prospect of making these shirts for the legendary Scotty Moore's
Mafia. They could not have been more helpful, they even did the logo
free of charge. All they asked for in return was photos from the big

Scotty and DJ interviewed by Fox TV Memphis
Photo © James V. Roy

interviewed by Fox TV Memphis
Photo © James V. Roy Selection of the Mafia was made
because of our close knit group that would be spending time with Scotty.
Funny. the day before Scotty introduced us as his Harem (ha), Steve
quickly added he was security, which became a week-end joke with Scotty.
As soon as I found out the shirts could be done in time for the week-end
I got in touch with Molly Blanks, Patsy Anderson, D.J. Gross, and Gail
to see if they were in for it and were they ever. The strange thing was
that Crusin USA was located in St. Louis, MO. where D. J. lives, so she
was able to oversee the final product and pick them up and hand deliver
them to Memphis.

Jacques Vroom and Scotty
Photo © James V. Roy

Steve Shepherd (Security)
Photo © James V. Roy We decided to let Steve be the only Male Mafia member
with a blue shirt , while all the girls had the pink. Everyone's name
was on the front with the logo on the back of the shirt. The only
difference was mine did say Ella The Back, because of Scotty's nickname
for me , which has caught on!

Ella and Gail - July 5, 2004
Photo © James V. Roy

Photo © James V. Roy

Molly, DJ, Ella, Gail and Scotty - July 5, 2004
Photo © James V. Roy Scotty knew nothing of these plans, and
the smile on his face when he saw us that morning in his room was a
priceless moment for a great day. The one thing you can say for the
"Moore's Feel Good Mafia" is that it is a group of 5 gals and
1 guy who all love that guy "Scotty Moore" very much. And as I
tell him a lot "I don't give a #*#* you played for Elvis, I just
love ya Scotty".
Ella "the Back" Shepherd
July 27, 2004

Photo © James V. Roy Sometimes it can get a little hot
on stage, especially in July in Memphis. One of the duties of the
Moore's Feel Good Mafia is fanning the boss!

DJ, keepin' it Cool!
Photo © James V. Roy Many thanks for the quality service from
the folks at Cruisin USA.
Be sure to visit their site at
for tons of custom fab '50s clothing, decorations & gifts.