Awards at Casino Rama Resort

DJ being presented award by Ronnie
Photo © courtesy
R. Marson
Photos © courtesy
R. Marson
During the "Elvis Story" show at Casino
Rama on July 30, 2004, the legendary Scotty Moore and the
legendary DJ Fontana were recognized publicly in front of 5,200 cheering
fans as Ronnie McDowell* presented Scotty and DJ with plaques on
behalf of the Love For Elvis Fan Club and LadyLuck Music (and their
respective fan bases which extend world wide).

Wendy King, Ronda Marson and Carol Hunter
Photo © courtesy
R. Marson
Fan Club Co-President, Ronda Marson, club member,
Wendy King, and Carol Hunter, representing Lady Luck Music, were
thrilled and proud beyond words to see Scotty and DJ receive a
well-deserved standing ovation for being "the wind beneath Elvis'
wings." Carol, an "original" fan, Wendy, "in
the middle," and Ronda, a "younger generation" fan, are
proof positive that Elvis' music, which Scotty and DJ had such a big
hand in creating, is reaching each new generation and will continue to
be passed down through the years.

D.J. and Scotty - July
30, 2004
Photo© courtesy C. Hunter
As always, the sold out show featuring Ronnie
McDowell, Scotty, DJ, and the legendary Jordanaires was absolutely
wonderful, and we hope everyone will be back again soon. We also very
much enjoyed meeting Gail Pollock and the "Moore's
Mafia" girls. Thanks to all involved.
August 8, 2004

Molly, Ella and Gail
Photo© courtesy C. Hunter
*Ronnie came
through for us "big time." We had planned to
give the plaques to Scotty and DJ after the show, outside of the
casino area, as presentations are not normally allowed in that area.
We just happened to bump into Ronnie walking through the massive lobby
of the Casino about an hour before the show (what are the odds of
that happening??)...and it was agreed that he would present the
plaques on stage during the show. And did he ever! He made a
grand scale production of honouring Scotty and DJ. We were completely
thrilled! Of course, it wasn't the plaques that really mattered,
but Scotty and DJ's public recognition in front of the sold out 5,200
member audience. We'll be forever grateful to Ronnie McDowell for
helping us out "big time" so that these two living legends
could be publicly recognized.