No End To the Blues

Nashville guitarists Johnny Jones, "Nick" Nixon
and Scotty in 1995
In 1995 Scotty recorded a song with his friends James
'Nick' Nixon, Johnny
Jones and Billy
Cox, The song "Over 50 Blues" was
written by Nick.
Nick, though a guitar player, considers his voice his main
instrument. Though he'd been in and around the Nashville R & B
scene since the early '60s he didn't begin recording until much later. In 2000 he won the
international "Keeping The Blues Alive" award and in 2002 released
an album on the Black Magic Label called "No End To the
Blues". The title song is one that Scotty gave Nick the idea
for, and he listed Scotty as co-writer. Scotty has also recorded this
song for his next CD, "Then &
Now", with Nick and Willie
Rainsford doing the vocals.
Johnny Jones first got his exposure to Blues in Memphis
at age 13 before moving to Chicago in the '50s. He and his band
"The King
Casuals" used to work regularly with Freddie King
and Junior Wells. Jimi Hendrix and Billy Cox were
founding members
of the King Casuals and though Johnny and Jimi weren't in the band
together while in the Nashville area they used
to play together. After moving back to Nashville Johnny became a
session player but later played guitar with Bobby