Denver Coliseum
Denver, CO
The first Western Livestock Show was held on the
outskirts of Denver Colorado and began on January 26, 1906 and lasted
for 6 days. "Stockmen from around the West gathered to show their
animals, buy and sell breeding stock and encourage a meatpacking center
to rival those in Kansas City and Chicago. The event was very successful
and plans were underway to repeat the next year. From this
beginning, the National Western Stock Show, Rodeo and Horse Show was
born." 1

National Amphitheater - 1909
Photo courtesy
National Western Stock Show
"For the 1908 show they built a wooden stadium topped
with the canvas roof of the huge tent that had housed the show in its
first two years, but this was to be only a temporary solution. That
summer ground was broken for the construction of a large, permanent
stadium and it was ready for the opening of the fourth stock show on
January 18, 1909. The National Amphitheater, now known as the Stadium
Arena, was built with the latest technology of the times and has
faithfully served the National Western ever since."1

Denver stock yards Burlington Route, with Nat.
Amphitheater in foreground - 1935
Photo courtesy
History/Genealogy Dept., Denver Public Library
Space became a problem almost since the beginning as the
show grew in size and popularity. By the later 1940s the Stadium Arena was still the only venue for ticketed performances. Box seats always sold out long before opening day
and thousands were turned away. The desperate need for new facilities
was a perennial topic at meetings of the National Western’s board of
directors, and in the mid-1940s livestock exhibitors began contributing
a portion of their sale proceeds to a building fund.1

Construction of the Coliseum in 1951
Photo courtesy
National Western Stock Show
Quigg Newton was elected the new mayor in 1947 and he
believed Denver taxpayers should have a multi-purpose facility that
could be used year-round, not just during the January show.
A committee of National Western leaders, show exhibitors, meat packers
and Union Stock Yards officials was formed to raise $750,000. The
Colorado & Southern Railroad donated the land on which the Coliseum
would sit while the Union Pacific Railroad gave land for a vast parking
lot and finally in September of 1949, ground was broke. The
Coliseum encompassed almost three acres centered on a 30,000 square-foot
arena surrounded by seating for up to 11,000 spectators. The arched roof
required 5,400 tons of concrete and the plywood for the forms would have
built a small town. It was completed in 1951 and the city quickly put it
to use for ice skating shows and sports events. Stock Show folks had hoped for a
name incorporating “National Western” or Stock Show but
the city council named it the Denver Coliseum.1

Opening ceremonies January 10, 1952
Photo courtesy
National Western Stock Show
Opening night for the National Western in the
new facility was on January 10, 1952 complete with two huge floral horseshoes, one made
of 1,000 Hawaiian orchids and another made with 7,000 Colorado
carnations to greet arriving guests. Four brass bands enlivened the
festivities, dignitaries entered in horse-drawn surreys and pop music
groups and TV and movie personalities performed. Following a dedication
address by Mayor Newtonwas
a 14-float parade.

Vintage postcard of the Denver Coliseum at
4600 Humboldt St.
Denver, CO
At the time, it was the largest of Denver's recreation
buildings and had a seating capacity of 7933 seats. On special
occasions it has been known to accommodate nearly 12,000. In
addition to a skating rink, the Arena is equipped for basketball and any
indoor sport.
Four years later, Elvis, Scotty, Bill and DJ would make
their only appearance in Denver together at the Coliseum for two shows on April 8,
1956. Having made their first appearance on the Milton Berle show
from the deck of the USS. Hancock in San
Diego, it followed dates at the San Diego Arena and, according to Peter Guralnick and Ernst Jorgensen in
Elvis Day by Day, was the start of a tour booked by
A.V. Bamford of North Hollywood , CA.
Ads for the show in the Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News
courtesy Denver Public Library
AV "Bam" Bamford was a colorful country music producer
originally from Cuba. During the mid-1930s, he owned and operated a
string of radio stations, mostly in the southern United States. As a
promoter of these stations, he often befriended performers who would
perform live on the radio or at remote locations such as state fairs.
Over the years he was asked to manage a number of musicians, including
Hank Williams.2
This tour would be the last tour Elvis and the boys would make with
contemporaries from the Hayride and others that they had shared stages
with since almost the beginning. This show also featured Faron
Young, Jimmy and Johnny and Wanda Jackson .

Wanda Jackson - c.1956
Photo courtesy web
The reviews in both the Denver Post and the Rocky
Mountain news were, like many of the time, not all that favorable though
they noted Elvis' overwhelming popularity with his audience. As is
probably not all that surprising for Colorado at the time, the writer
for the Post must have been clearly a Country fan with little chance of
being won over by anything else.
Presley's Distinctive Artistry Steals Opry Show
By Ben Calloway
Denver Post Staff Writer
By all shriek meter standards, it was Elvis Presley by a landslide in
Denver Coliseum Sunday.
This new sensation of the entertainment world drew roaring response from
the 12,000 who viewed two performances of the Presley Grand Ole Opry
show Sunday and even Faron Young had to take a back seat this time to
the wild, fast-rising star.
Presley is a "weird one" who brings out the animal in his female
audience and mixed reactions, including near-nausea among the males. He
stole the show and not even Sunday's rain-snow storm could dampen the
"Spirit of '56."
Presley's minimum of swinging and maximum of wild wiggling created a
near riot among the assembled addicts as a "Bopry" windup following "Opry"-type
stars Jimmy and Johnny, Wanda Jackson and Young.
This "Spirit of '56" has taken the record dealers and enthusiasts of the
nation by storm, but its likely that Young, No. 1 boy in country music,
will weather the "big blow" and still be on top after the "Spirit" fades
Distinctive Artistry
Presley's distinctive artistry on such smash hits as "Heartbreak Hotel,"
"I Forgot to Remember to Forget" and "I Was the One," prompted less
hysteria than such as "I Got a Woman Way Over Town" and "Don't Step on
My Blue Suede Shoes," in which he leaped, stomped and shook, making the
assemblage go berserk.
Faron was handicapped when his 'Country Deputies' band didn't arrived
from Florida in time for Sunday's shows. Backed up by KLAK Ranchhands,
however, he rang the bell with "If You Ain't Lovin," "Girls Like You,"
"You're Still Mine," "It's a Great Life," "Going Steady," "Live Fast,"
"All Right," "I've Got Five Dollars" and other songs.
Faron is a handsome, happy young artist loved by the gals and liked by
the guys and his popularity is built on a solid foundation.
Jimmy and Johnny opened the program. Aside from "Somebody Else Will" and
"Sweet Singing Daddy" hits and clever imitations, their joke efforts
were of silo caliber.
High boots would have marred the effect of 18-year-old Wanda Jackson,
curvaceous Ozark Jubilee cutie. Her bouncy offerings including "You
Can't Have My Love," "That Makes Him Mad," Maybelline" and the newer
"Wasted," added a welcome strictly feminine touch to the program.
Much ballyhoo surrounded Presley's first Denver showing with constant
appeals from his drumbeater for fan club formation and Hollywood
lobbying. Feminine souvenir seekers were thwarted in their efforts when
sizeable police escorts "protected" both Presley and Young as they
escaped their exuberant pursuers unharmed.
© Denver Post - April 10, 1956 courtesy Denver Public

Faron Young
Photo courtesy
Talent On Display
At age 19, Faron Young had first performed on the
Louisiana Hayride in October 1951 and had signed with Capitol Records in
January 1952. Within six months he was singing on the Grand Ole Opry
though his first hit, Goin’ Steady, wasn't released until
November, two weeks after being inducted in the Army. After his
discharge, Faron had put together the band fronted by the Wilburn Brothers, and started touring in November 1954. From a name-the-band contest they
acquired “The Young Sheriff and his Country Deputies.” Over the next
four decades, the Deputy roster included such names as Gordon Terry,
Darrell McCall, Roger Miller, Johnny Paycheck, Lloyd Green, Ben Keith,
and Vassar Clements. Faron later changed his title to The Singing
Sheriff. 3

George Kealiher, Jr., Faron, Wanda and Elvis backstage in Denver- Apr. 8, 1956
Photo © George Kealiher Jr., courtesy of the C(olorado)MHOF
As mentioned in the Post, Faron's band the Country
Deputies didn't arrive in time to perform and he was backed by the KLAK
Ranch hands. KLAK was a radio station on 1580 AM started by Morey Davolt
on January 8, 1955 which featured "country-and-Western" music
exclusively, except for an hour on Sundays, when it played Hawaiian
melodies (because Morey liked it).
Employees wore cowboy hats, cowboy boots, fringed jackets and bolo ties.
The station had titles like "Ranch Hands" for the DJs, "Blacksmith" for
the radio engineer and "Range Riders" for the sales staff. Morey was
"Boss Man." 4

Elvis at the Denver Coliseum - Apr. 8, 1956
Photo courtesy FECC/the fool
The review of Elvis' show in Denver by the Rocky
Mountain News went as follows:
Performer 'Sings' and Gyrates ... and Gets
Paid for It, Too!
Rage Over Elvis Presley Is a Bit Sickening
By Frances Melrose
Rocky Mountain News Writer
THERES a new rage of the age--Elvis Presley. As far I'm concerned I hope
this rage passes into oblivion as quickly as it has sprung up.
Elvis is 21 years old and looks like a pouty, naughty, youthful Marlon
Brando. He sings, after his own peculiar fashion, and drags around a
guitar, which seems to be excess baggage more than anything else.
Elvis made his Denver debut at the Denver Coliseum Sunday in two shows
that added up to 16 thousand admissions. Two-thirds of the night crowd
were under 20, I'd guess.
It's a toss-up which was worse, Elvis or his fans . I'd say the edge
goes to Elvis.
According to an informant who attended the afternoon show and hated
every minute of it, a near mob-scene was enacted when Elvis headed for
the stage set up in the middle of the Coliseum
At least 50 fans, mostly feminine, streaked across the wide-open spaces
of floor surrounding the stage, screeching and waving papers while
another performer, Faron Young, still was before the mike.
Listed as 'Singer’
The management headed this off for the night show by having seven
policemen escort Elvis out of the wings and point him toward the stage.
Elvis is listed as a "singer." I couldn't. be sure, because the
squealing of the crowd drowned out most of the noise he was making.
I can guarantee that it wasn't his singing that sent them.
A performance by Elvis Presley goes something like this:
Elvis strides on stage, takes a wide legged stance, grabs up a guitar,
gives it a couple of whangs, opens his mouth and starts gyrating.
Elvis' stage maneuvers are nothing short of phenomenal. Performed by a
girl in the burlycue, they'd be known as bumps and grinds. He shivers
and shakes, he quivers and quakes. The faster E. Presley moves, the more
agitated the crowd grows.
Frenzied Squealing
When he sings a slower tune with some melody and practically no
shaking, the crowd doesn't react. When he starts to shake, the crowd
bursts into a frenzy of squeals.
I wouldn't hazard a guess on how this phenomenon got start. But now that
its here, it's getting the full press-agent treatment. During Sunday
night's intermission, a man I presumed to be Elvis Presley's personal
drum-beater took the stage to announce repeatedly:
"If you want to see Elvis Presley in the movies, write Paramount
As far as I can learn from Paramount's local office, there is no deal
cooking on Presley. With enough pressure from fans, though, there might
be. Anything can happen nowadays.
Brisk Photo sale
Also during intermission and before and after the show, a crew laden
with glossy photos of Presley paraded the aisles selling the pictures to
eager customers. Sales for Presley pictures were almost as brisk as the
popcorn concession.
And still another sign of the times: during the entire 2-hour show, fans
carrying cameras tripped from their seats to the stage and back to their
seats, after snapping shots of the performers. One little girl,
apparently dressed in her best, spent the full show-time prancing from
seat to platform and back again, ostensibly to take pictures.
Record sales for Presley are more than booming. His latest release,
"Heartbreak Hotel," has sold nearly a million copies in the six weeks it
has been out.
RCA-Victor, quick to realize that this was startling new phenomenon,
some months back bought Presley's contract from the Sun Record co. for
Out of all this, Elvis Presley is eaking out and existence. He got $4000
for his one day stint in Denver.
© Rocky Mountain News - April 11, 1956
courtesy Denver Public Library

Elvis signs with Paramount - April 1956
Photo ©
EPE. Inc, courtesy
Rex Martin
From Denver, the tour would move on to dates across
Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma the next couple of weeks before Elvis and
the boys went to Las Vegas and on to heading
their own show which acts weren't remotely considered rivals. As history
has told, the reviewer's predictions from the post were a tad off.
Negotiations with Paramount had begun with an offer from Hall Wallis
days before the Denver show and would complete when Elvis signed
by the end of the month.

Faron Young and Elvis at the Ryman Auditorium - Dec. 1957
Photo courtesy
The Music's Over
In the 1950s, Faron starred in four easily forgettable movies:
Hidden Guns, Daniel Boone–Trailblazer, Raiders of Old California, and
Country Music Holiday. He appeared as himself in cameo roles and
performances in later country music movies and was a frequent guest on
television shows throughout his career. Faron stayed with Capitol
for ten years and then Shelby Singleton, who would later buy Sun
records, signed him to Mercury Records in 1962. His hits continued
into the 1960s and 1970s, while he established himself as a Nashville
businessman. By the 1980s, he had become an elder statesman of the
country music industry and was posthumously inducted into the Country
Music Hall of Fame in 2000.3

Bob Dylan and "The Band" at the Coliseum Feb. 6, 1974
Photo courtesy
In the 70s, with the TCB band, Elvis would perform there
two more times, on September 17, 1970 and April 30, 1973. The
Coliseum would later host other performers, including Bob Dylan.

The Coliseum Interior
Photo courtesy Curtis Sobolik and the City and
County of Denver
In 1998, the Coliseum was host to WCW's Spring Stampede
and home to the Colorado Wildcats of the Professional Indoor Football
League.5 The Coliseum celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2002 and
recently completed an interior make-over to the concourse areas plus the
construction of a new box office.6

The Denver Coliseum - 2009
Photo courtesy Ron Garrison and the City and
County of Denver

The Denver Coliseum - 2009
Photo courtesy Ron Garrison and the City and
County of Denver
The Coliseum is still home to the National
Western Stock Show and has since been host to a multitude of other events including:
rodeos, motor shows, concerts, pow wows, public ice skating, dances,
Disney on Ice, the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus, exhibits and trade

Aerial view of the Coliseum and National Amphitheater - 2009
Photo © Microsoft EarthData

Aerial view of the Coliseum and National Amphitheater - 2009
Photo © Microsoft EarthData

Photos © Microsoft EarthData
Wanda Jackson continues to perform and earlier this year
was inducted into to the Rock and Roll Hall
of Fame along with Bill black and D.J. Fontana.
page added October 12, 2009
Special Thanks to Curtis Sobolik,
Production Manager and Ron Garrison ,Guest Services Manager for Red Rocks &
Denver Coliseum, City and
County of Denver and to Janice Prater of the Western History / Genealogy Department of
the Denver Public Library for their assistance with this page.
excerpts from
The History of the National Western Stock Show
excerpts from
NAMM's Oral History on A.V. Bamford
excerpts from and according to
Diane Diekman,
author of "The Faron Young Story - Live Fast Love Hard"
excerpts from 'Country
Cookin' by Harrison Fletcher for Denver Westword News, May 14, 1998
according to wikipedia
according to
Denver Coliseum