Recollections of Cecil Holifield
Back when the proceeds were still small, as were the venues, and artists
were performing at human levels to intimate crowds in local theaters,
school auditoriums and gymnasiums, many often were taken in like family by
those that were promoting the shows. In many cases they maintained
these friendships, relationships and acquaintances for years afterwards.
In the 1950's thru the 1960's almost all of the artists playing
and passing through the Odessa and Midland area of West Texas ended up at the
Holifield's Record Shop, and in many cases their home.

Guestbook entries from the Holifield's home in Midland -
Apr. 28, 1955
© Cecil Holifield Jr.
By 1955, Cecil Leon Holifield, "Pop," and his
wife Beaulah, nee Baker, "Ma," had been in the record business
for eight years. With stores in Midland, where they lived, and
nearby Odessa they also booked and promoted many of the local
appearances in West Texas by most of the artists that came through, like
Slim Whitman, Sonny James, Elvis, Scotty and Bill, and Johnny Cash to
name but a few. Pop was even instrumental in launching Roy Orbison's

Scotty, June, Elvis, Shirlee Carroll, "Pop" and
"Ma" Holifield and Bill - Apr. 28, 1955
Photo © Cecil Holifield Jr.
Elvis, Scotty and Bill had made their first area
appearances in January, at Odessa and the Midland
High School Auditorium. They were back again in February and April.
Cecil Jr., the Holifield's son, remembers Elvis, Scotty and Bill
visiting later that April and on that occasion they picnicked with
friends and June Prichard,
Miss Texas of 1955. For years, Pop, and
then Cecil Jr., kept many of the photos, guestbooks, cards, letters and
other memorabilia exchanged in the early days with those artists.

May 7, 1955
Dear Cecil:
Got your letter with list of prices, etc., and it all looks good to me. I talked with Sam Phillips and, as I thought he might do, he doesn't want to run a special pressing deal. Claims he doesn't have enough good material available to pick two good sides and doesn't want to release anything not up to regular standard.
So, I have ordered a special batch of pictures of Elvis for us to use on the advance sale. It's a profile shot that hasn't been sold or used before, so it's brand new. They should be in here by
Wednesday. I will send you 500 of them as soon as I get them. My cost is 6¢
per picture, so suppose you give them away, and
we'll see how many you use, and adjust at the rate of 6¢
per pic from the advance sale
tickets. However, I don't believe that that amount is enough to raise the price on the advance sale. Just ballyhoo what a terrific
bargain they're getting.
As for the shows, probably would be best to open with Carlisles, then Martha Carson, then Huskey. A short
intermission, and wind up with J .E. &Maxine, Onie and Elvis. As to the Mc'ing, what about using one or two
of the best DJs in either town to work that?
Now, let me have all the dope on the whole thing so I can make the transcriptions. Also, if we should use posters, let me know number you want for each town. By the way, I have just made up a package of pictures, mats, stories,etc, and am putting it in the mall for you.
At the end of May they performed in both Midland and
Odessa the same night. Pop and Bob Neal exchanged several letters
prior to those appearances. In one Bob discusses with Pop the new
promotional photos he had made up of Elvis and talks of the other
artists that will be on the bill, that include Martha Carson and the
Carlisles, Ferlin Husky (who also performed as Simon Crum, and recorded
as Terry Preston), Onie Wheeler and Jim Ed and Maxine Brown.

May 11, 1955
Dear Cecil:
I almost forgot to name one of our most famous stars who will be
featured in the shows at Midland and Odessa on the 31st. None other than
the famous personality - SIMON CRUM ! 'Course we had him all along in
the person of Ferlin Huskey, but as big as the Simon Crum records have
gotten, I think it would be well to publicize Crum.
I'm expecting the pictures in today or tomorrow and I will shoot them
on. Also working on the Transcriptions. I guess I'll have a etter from
you today or tomorrow about the number of ETs to send you.
Keep 'em goin'!
As ever,
BOB NEAL, Manager
Also Terry Preston
Scotty would also send postcards from the road.
One they have is from a show the boys played on May 14th in New Bern,

Postcard from Scotty in New Bern, NC - postmarked May 16, 1955
Hi Folks,
Great tour
Having fine time
Will see you soon,
Everybody sends regards.
When they were back in Midland for the May appearance
all of the artists stayed at the West Wind Motel on Highway 80 West.

Postcard of the West Wind Motel in Midland, TX
courtesy James V. Roy
Cecil Jr. remembers pushing Elvis in the pool there.
There was a Drive-In restaurant located across the highway and they sent
out for a round twenty burgers for everyone and when the kids there
found out who was staying there word soon spread and a caravan of cars
and kids started circling the motel for hours. Cecil doesn't seem
to think Elvis or any of them went out after that point because of the
large numbers.

The pool that Cecil Jr. pushed Elvis in
courtesy James V. Roy
When they were back in October to play Midland, Johnny Cash was
also on the bill. He had only recently started
making appearances with them on these tours and his recording of Cry
Cry Cry as Bob described was starting to head up the charts.
Strangely enough, Texas Bill Strength, whom they had all known and
performed with in Memphis had also recorded a version of it that June
for Capitol Records and it was released as the flip side of "The
Yellow Rose of Texas."

Bob's letter with Pop's notes on upcoming show and who's performing
Elvis Presley
September 5, 1955
Mr. Cecil Holifield
1508 North Grant St.
Odessa, Texas
Dear Cecil:
Glad to get your letter, and I'm sorry I've delayed in answering. However, I had been vacationing, and since returning have been getting the Fall schedule, in shape, etc.
On Oct. 8 we will be in Oklahoma City. So the 10th thru the 14th I am planning on touring that area again. I plan to play Abilene, Lubbock, San Angelo, Midland and Odessa. Naturally I want to set the Midland and Odessa shows with you. It's my thinking that we might be better to divide these dates - say play Midland on a Tuesday and Odessa on a Thursday with San Angelo in between. What do you think? As of this moment I have plans to bring out
JOHNNY CASH, the new SUN artist whose "Cry Cry Cry" is the hottest thing here since "Blue Moon", WANDA JACKSON, and Elvis. I will use at least one more act, but I don't want to overload my show as I did earlier, with
talent that doesn't mean too much to your area.
So, check available dates in Midland and Odessa and you call me or I'll call you about Thursday. Have a couple in each town so we can shuffle if the other towns are tied up.
Elvis is looking forward to the tour. He said to give you and Mama his best regards. By the way, I have a surprise for Mama (if it ever gets here).
BOB NEAL, Manager
It was on this October appearance that they met Roy
Orbison for the first time. Roy, who had seen them perform earlier
in the year in Odessa and Lubbock had become a big fan and had wanted to
meet them. Rumor has it that Johnny Cash had guested on a local TV
show with Roy prior to the show and had promised to introduce him to
Elvis. Cecil Jr., recalls though that they met at his home in
Midland. One of his prized possessions is the photo he took at
that first meeting of Elvis and Roy together on his parents couch.
It is likely the only photo in existence, known or otherwise, of the two
together and one he has refused to part with.

Letter to Ma Holifield from Scotty in Miami postmarked Aug. 3, 1956
Aug. 2, 1956
Hello there,
How's my girl doing? besides selling a bunch of hound dogs.
Got your letter today when we got in town an was real glad to hear
from you. we are playing here tomorrow and Sat., then up to
Tampa, Lakeland,
St. Petersburg, Orlando,
Daytona Beach and close in Fla.
with 2 days in Jacksonville 10th - 11th. then over to
New Orleans.
after that who knows. Everyone is well and the whole picture
remains about the same.
Don't know when we will be back out there soon I hope.
Tell Mr. Holifield an all hello from all of us. Bills already
asleep an D.J. is reading Elvis Presley magazines what else? Well
Bye for now be sweet as always.
Group |
Pop would later play a recording of Roy's song "Oobie
Doobie" over the phone for Sam Phillips which got him an
audition and eventual contract at SUN. That October was essentially the
last area appearance the boys made in Midland and Odessa though they
would keep in touch with the Holifields for some time after. Scotty
would write them during the following year while Elvis skyrocketed to
the top and Ma Holifield herself would share a train ride on the leg
from Big Spring, TX to Midland on one of Elvis' trips out to the West

Memphis, Tenn.
Feb. 22, 1958
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Holifield
The Record Shop
Wall Street
Midland, Texas
Hi Folks
What's new out there? Sorry we didn't get to see you last trip there, but it was 3:30 in the morning.
Did you get my last two Fernwood releases? We have leased Thomas Wayne's #106 "You're The
One That Done It" to Mercury. Looks like it's going to be big all over. I'm going to manage the boy, so help!!!
Ramon Maupin's #105 "What's The Use" has been slowly picking up speed here. I just signed a release on it to Sparton of Canada.
Any help you folks can give me will sure be appreciated. Tell Cecil Jr. hello for me. Hope to see you seen.
As always
Scotty Moore
Fernwood Records
158 Fernwood Ave.
Memphis, Tenn.
After Elvis went in the Army, Scotty kept in touch and enlisted
Pop's aid promoting Thomas Wayne. Like Elvis, Wayne was a graduate
of Hume's High School in Memphis, only years after, and was the younger
brother of Luther Perkins who along with Marshall Grant was a member of
Cash's Tennessee Two. Produced and managed by Scotty, who also
played on the recordings, they had a hit on Fernwood Records with the
song Tragedy in 1959.

Ma Holifield and Scotty (with local deejays and
at The Record Shop in Midland - 1955
Photo © Cecil Holifield Jr.
They kept in touch with the Holifields for several years after they
stopped touring in that area. Cecil Jr. said that Ma Holifield
thought the world of Elvis, Scotty and Bill, and that she considered
Elvis "her boy." Pop passed away in 1974 and over the years Cecil Jr. has sold many of his items to collectors. A
great deal more was lost in a house fire in 2001. A few of these things he has remaining relating to Scotty and Elvis he was
kind enough to share with us here.
Page added March 8, 2012
Special thanks to Cecil Holified Jr. and
to his son Jay Holifield. All photos, letters and postcards,
except where noted, are courtesy of Cecil Holifield Jr.
A friend to Music Legends

Granite Shoals man called 'friend' to music legends
Daily Tribune Staff

Roy Orbison (center) was a frequent guest
and personal friend to Cecil "Pop" Holifield, owner of The
Record Shop. Orbison gave Pop the first vinyl record off the
press of one of his records produced by Sun Records. Other band
members include (left to right) Billy Pat Ellis, Johnny
Wilson, James Morrow, Orbison, Jack Kennelley and "Pop"
Holifield. |
GRANITE SHOALS — To Cecil Holifield of
Granite Shoals they were mom and dad. But to Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash,
Roy Orbison and dozens of other budding superstars, they were "Mom and
Pop Holifield."
Cecil and Carolyn Holifield have collected a treasure trove of
personalized autographed publicity photos, newspaper clippings,
magazines and family photos from some of the biggest names in the music
business during the 1950s and 1960s —— musicians such as Cash, Presley,
Orbison, Slim Whitman, Minnie Pearl, Louis Armstrong, Bill Haley and the
Comets, Marty Robbins, Sonny James, Eddie Arnold, Ferlin Huskey, Jim
Reeves, Earnest Tubbs, Billy Walker, Dinah Shore, Connie Francis, Hank
Morton, Count Basie, Lawrence Welk, Faron Young, The Crew Cuts, Les
Paul, Mary Ford well, you get the picture.
It's a heck of a collection, and here’s why:
Holifield's dad, the elder Cecil, and his mother Beaulah owned The
Record Shop, with locations first in Midland and then in Odessa, back in
the 1950-1960s. Those were the days when the big names of today were the
unknowns of yesterday, many destined for eventual fame, fortune and
immortality The Holifields, who knew a good thing when they saw it, sold
their tire franchise and bought into the record business.
"Record shops were a hot movement back then and music was really coming
around," the younger Holifield said. "It was booming. All I remember is
that Dad had a Firestone franchise store in Eastland and all of a sudden
he sold it and we moved to Midland when I was 15.
"It was the days of duck tails and low-hanging britches," Holifield
recalls. "Cowboys didn‘t like us because the girls liked us. Me and 10
guys were ‘bodyguards’ for Elvis and Roy, friends really, but we hung
out with them and looked out for them."
Relatively speaking, of course, because Holifield remembers, "One time
while staying at the West Wind Motel in Midland, I threw Elvis into the
pool. I didn't know he couldn’t swim and I had thrown him in the deep
end. That was about the same time he got his first pink Cadillac."
Holifield said he remembers his mother riding the train with Presley
from Big Spring to Odessa in 1960. Presley was a regular visitor at the
Holifield home and he has an old photo of a backyard picnic that
includes "Elvis, Mom, Dad, Miss Texas 1955, June Pritchard, Shirley
Carroll, guitarist Scotty Moore and Bill Black who smoked cigarettes
while he ate," Holifield said. "You can see the old metal tumblers,
drinking cups and a table with plates piled high with barbecue."

Johnny Cash was a friend of the Holifields
while getting his start in the music industry. He often
personalized promotional material for "Mom" and "Pop" Holifield,
parents of Cecil Holifield, a Granite Shoals resident. |

Guitarist extraordinaire Les Paul and
vocalist Mary Ford traveled Texas, including visiting The
Record Shop with locations in Midland and Odsessa, during their
musical careers. |
Holifield said Cash especially loved to eat.
"We'd have him out to the ranch house in Midland," Holifield said. "He
used to travel with Luther Perkins, the guitarist. Johnny sure could put
the groceries away."
Holifield recalls that, "Louie Armstrong always had a joke and was
always trying to pull something on my daddy. They were friends ad really
liked each other. Louis' voice was unmistakable. He'd call to play and
joke and try disguising his voice, but it never worked."
Holifield has all these memories because back then there was nothing
around Midland-Odessa but tumbleweeds and sand. Hanging out at the
record shop was the thing to do for local kids as well as musicians
trying to get a start in the music industry.
"We lived at the edge of 'nuthin' else,"' Holifield said. "There was a
big difference in the classes back then. You had the oil-field
roughnecks, those born with a spoon in their mouth and the blue-collar
workers. Money made a big difference in people‘s lives."
Holifield said The Record Shop in Midland opened four years before the
Odessa shop.
"Mom ran the Midland store while Dad ran around doing business like
getting records and stuff," Holifield said. "Then they opened the Odessa
shop, which was 20 miles away and Dad ran that one."
Holifield remembers Orbison hanging out at the shops while he was was
attending Odessa Junior College.
"Roy was just starting out and was always hanging out at the record
shop," Holifield said. "Johnny and Roy were two of the nicest guys I
ever met. They were respectful to my parents and I never saw either one
of them do the things historians today said they did."
There are other memories, too.
"Count Basie was a good horn player," Holifield recalls. "But
I didn‘t
like piano, so I never went to any of his shows. Elvis and Roy hung out
at the record stores the most. They played at the Ector County Coliseum
and the Midland High School."
As a teenager, Holifield got to know the future superstars during a
10-year span.
“A lot of things were said about Elvis about being wild," Holifield
said. "He didn‘t drink when we knew him. People say ‘He dated June
Pritchard out of England.’ He never dated June and she lived in Midland.
But Elvis did like the girls."
Holifield said Slim Whitman always sent the elder Holifields Easter and
Christmas cards.
And he also remembers that Cash was never loud or boisterous and was not
an abuser of drugs or drink when he knew him.
"Roy Orbison was the most polite person I have ever met," Holifield
said. "He was from Wink. I met his brother last June. who told me
three of the original band members were dead. One is still alive.
Roy's brother has those thick glasses just like Roy did. I asked him
questions only a family member could know, so I know that was his
Holifield's home burned in 2001, and he lost a lot of the collection
that he had inherited from his parents. But he has a few treasures left
and is considering selling the collection.
"This stuff doesn’t mean anything to our kids." he said. "I think
turn it loose to someone who knows what they‘ve got."
Although the collection is kept under lock and key, Holifield enjoys
retrieving the collection and sharing it with friends.

Country and western music star Slim Whitman noted the support
the Holifields gave him when he was just starting out. |

Granite Shoals resident Cecil Holifield
enjoys his collection of 1950s-1960s music memorabilia, mostly
because many of the recording artists were friends of his
family. |
Photo by Lyn Odom |
"Those were great years," he said. "Mom and Pop Holifield sold their
stores in 1967. We had a final farewell with all the guys and my parents
gave tons of records away. They retired to a ranch in Oklahoma to farm
and raise cattle. The old days were so much different than today The
most we did was drink beer and have good times playing in the park."
Holifield hasn't been to the Midland-Odessa area in 20 years.
"Oh I've driven around it, but it’s sure not the same as the days of
tumbleweeds," Holifield said. "There's a lot of memories back there and
a lot in these photo and the things those guys wrote on them. It was
sure different than it is today — it sure is."

Elvis Presley was a personal friend to Mom
Pop Holifield and their son Cecil, who was 15 at the time. Cecil
and his wife Carolyn now live in Granite Shoals and treasure the
music memorabilia the Holifields collected through their
business, The Record Shop.
Photos reprinted with permission of Cecil Holifield |
The River Cities
Daily Tribune - January 14, 2007 and The Picayune - January 31,
2007, by Lyn Odom courtesy Jay Holifield
article added March 15, 2012
some photos added March 24, 2012
Old Pix at Midland via the
Cayman Islands
Last month I received another email that I'm sure all of
you will enjoy:
Hi James,
I thought I’d write because my mother lives in the Cayman Islands and came across some pictures of Scotty Moore tucked into a book she bought. We would love for these pics to be shared!
She bought a book from the Humane Society on the main island, Grand Cayman, and when she got home to read it the pictures fell out so they could literally be anyone’s! The book was
"Water for Elephants." A lot of UK ex-pats visit the Cayman Islands so I’m guessing it was probably someone’s that they brought on holiday or travel and accidentally left, not sure.
Kelly Wilson
March 29, 2017

June Pritchard and Scotty with Elvis' first 1954 Pink
Cadillac in Midland, TX - April 28, 1955
Photo courtesy Judye Garrahan Mobley
The photos were taken on April 28, 1955 at the home of
Pops (Cecil) Holifield and his wife while Elvis Scotty and Bill were
guests for a backyard picnic. Its quite possible they were in fact
taken by Cecil Jr. and sold some time later. As far as we know they were
previously unpublished. When I asked about the possibility about
getting hi res scans or copies, specifically of Scotty and Bill for his
daughter Nancy, Kelly replied,
My Mom said she can send them and you can keep them!

Beaulah "Ma" Holifield at home in Midland, TX -
April 28, 1955
Photo courtesy Judye Garrahan Mobley
Her mom, Judye, told us that "It was pretty cool
finding them. I am originally from Texas I have lived in the Cayman for
many years. Funny enough one of my all-time favorite vacation spots was
Memphis and I have been to Graceland several times when Elvis was alive
and after."

Bill and Scotty with Elvis' first 1954 Pink Cadillac in
Midland, TX - April 28, 1955
Photo courtesy Judye Garrahan Mobley
We want to thank Judye and Kelly for their generosity
and for reaching out to us to share them. Its also nice to see the site
continue to be a beacon for fans to share these stories and photos that
might otherwise go unseen or unheard.
added April 20, 2017