1952 Fender Telecaster

Pictured is a 1952 Fender Telecaster
Photo courtesy web Scotty bought one of
these in 1952 along with a Fender Deluxe amplifier after leaving the Navy and used it initially with the
Starlite Wranglers. He really liked the neck on this but
having always played full bodied guitars he didn't like the feel of the
smaller solid body and soon switched to a Gibson ES-295
in 1953.

Boyhood friend James Lewis and Scotty with his Fender
Telecaster - ca. 1953
Photo courtesy Lee Moore
The 1952 Fender
Telecaster featured a solid ash body
finished in butterscotch blond, 21 fret bolt-on maple neck, single
coil bridge position and neck pickups, volume and tone control and 3 way
switch. The Telecaster was essentially a two pickup version of the
Fender Esquire that was originally introduced in 1950 as Fender's first
electric solid body guitar (the very early Esquires were offered in single and double pickup
configurations). The Telcaster was initially introduced as the
Broadcaster but Gretsch had a drum line with a similar name so they
changed it to avoid issues. To use decals already printed some models
were released in the interim with the "Broadcaster" name cut off and
these guitars have since been referred to as a "Nocaster."

Boyhood friend James Lewis and Scotty with his Fender
Telecaster - ca. 1953
Photo courtesy Lee Moore
original page added October 2002, updated February 2015
Due to an old photo of Scotty and his friend James
Lewis from around 1953 showing Scotty on a porch with his Fender it had
been mistakenly identified as an Esquire and the error has propagated
over the years as such. Recently alternate photos surfaced
which revealed the guitar to actually have been a Telecaster, complete
with the neck pickup.
James V. Roy February 21, 2015

Harold L. McKinley's 1952 Esquire
Photo courtesy Harold McKinley
Recently we were contacted by Harold McKinley of Memphis who wrote:
For several months now I have tried to get to Scotty
Moore through Sun Studio's but no help. In the middle 1950s I purchased
the above guitar from Mr. Ed Fitzpatrick, OK Houck Music Company,
Memphis, Tennessee and was told at the time that it had been traded in
by a Elvis group and I'm sorry to say that I hardly knew who Elvis was
at that time. Mr. Fitzpatrick has long passed. During all these years I
have wondered about whom owned this guitar and just recent ran across
the Scotty Moore's site on the inter net and began to put 2 and 2
together. I am almost 100% convinced that this could be the 52 Fender he
I have no paper work and no serial #, the bridge only says
patent pending. The guitar is a 52 model. My strongest belief that it could be Scotty's is that the internet
article is quoted that Scotty purchased his Gibson ES-295 from Mr.
Fitzpatrick at OK Houck Co. around 1953 or 1954 no other information. I
do not remember ( to long ago) the date or year I acquired the Guitar
but it was sometime in the mid 50's. One marking that would be
recognized quickly is that someone before me installed a second pickup.
I never learned to play but note the neck which shows that the guitar
was played a great deal. I am sure if that is true he
would be happy to know that it is still around and I would be very
pleased to know the original owner to be Scotty Moore and receive
authorization of being the first owner. I understand the privacy but I
am sure he would be interested in knowing it is still around if it is
Harold L. McKinley
September 2, 2010
Harold sent us several high quality photos of his guitar and after
Scotty viewed them I'm sorry to report that Scotty said that this was
not his guitar. He said he only had his for a short time before trading
it into Houck's in preference of a full body guitar that he felt he
could better hold onstage. His had no modifications and very little
wear. He also said that his guitar preceded any association with
Elvis and at the time he himself had never heard of Elvis Presley so
wonders how it could possibly be a (re)selling point by Ed.
Unfortunately since no substantial documentation with corresponding
serial numbers exists with either party there is absolutely no way to
authenticate it as even bought at Houck's let alone ever belonging to
Scotty. However, it is still a 1952 Fender Esquire and though modified
somewhat is still a valuable instrument in its own right.
James V. Roy
October 10, 2010