Brooklyn School Auditorium
Brooklyn, Ohio

Brooklyn High School Auditorium - 1955
Photo from "The Eaglet 1955" courtesy April
The city of Brooklyn
in Northeast Ohio is located six miles southwest of downtown Cleveland. "Brooklyn township," was organized June 1, 1818 and
embraced originally "all that part of Cleveland situated on the west
side of the Cuyahoga River, except the farm owned by Alfred Kelly."
Brooklyn's boundaries were the City of Cleveland and Lake Erie on the
North, the townships of Parma and Independence on the south, the City of
Cleveland and Newburgh township on the east and the township of Rockport
on the west. The portion of
Brooklyn Township which is now the City of Brooklyn became a village on
March 26, 1927 and was charted as a city in 1952.1

Plaque at entrance to Brooklyn School Auditorium - 2008

student body assembly at Brooklyn School Auditorium - 1955
Photo from "The Eaglet 1955" courtesy April
In 1955, construction was completed on a new auditorium for Brooklyn's
High School at
9700 Biddulph Rd.,
the only high school in the Brooklyn City School District.
Prior to that the gymnasium doubled for use as its auditorium.
Including the balcony, the auditorium seats about 900 people, almost
double the size of the, then, entire student body at approximately 500.
Brooklyn High's principal at the time was John K. Nieman and
the Superintendent of Schools was Clarence L. Rice, who had his
near the balcony of the auditorium. Rice commissioned curtains for
the auditorium made from fabric with a pattern designed by Salvador
Dali called "Spring Rain."

Officials (Principal John Karl Nieman on right) in front of Dali's curtains
- March 1955
Photo from "The Eaglet 1955" courtesy April

High School stage productions at Brooklyn School Auditorium - March 1955
Photos from "The Eaglet 1955" courtesy April Georgius
In addition to the use by the school's drama department, the Brooklyn
stage saw occasional use for performances and sock hops sponsored by
WERE Cleveland's disc jockeys Bill Randle and Tommy Edwards.
"We disk jockeys couldn't get into Cleveland schools. They had a
restriction. But we went all over the suburbs, all the way to Perry and
Madison. We did a lot of CYO stuff,
too," said Edwards.
"Sometimes I did four shows a day, starting out at 10 in the morning. I
must have spent $1,000 a week. But that’s what helped me get the
ratings," Randle said.2

Photo courtesy flickr
Randle, at the time, in addition to broadcasting five hours every
weekday for WERE also hosted a Saturday-morning show for CBS in New
During 1955-56, he had the highest rating of any radio performer and a Time Magazine story on him was headlined "Top Jock."
He had contracted with Universal Pictures to produce a short documentary
film, about himself, and planned to film certain performers in concert
with an audience first in the Cleveland area and then later in New York
with Nat King Cole and other stars.2
For the Cleveland portion he held a radio contest where the
winning school was treated to the concert. Clementine Kulyk,
a freshman in 1955, remembers helping collect signatures from students
that helped Brooklyn HS win the contest. It didn't hurt that Randle was also
a friend of Principal Nieman
who was receptive to assemblies and that the new auditorium afforded the proper lighting and sound to benefit the
filming.3 On October 20, 1955, Randle brought The Four
Lads, Pat Boone, Bill Haley and the Comets, Priscilla Wright and Elvis, Scotty and
Bill to Brooklyn High School to perform and film. D.J., by
now playing drums regularly with Elvis had been incapacitated
for several weeks recovering from gallbladder surgery causing him to unfortunately
miss more than a few gigs and not make the trip.

The Four Lads - James Arnold, Bernie Toorish, Connie Codarini and Frank Busseri
Publicity photo courtesy web
The Four
Lads began as a singing quartet from Toronto in 1950 and were
discovered by Mitch Miller of Columbia Records in 1951 who saw them
performing at the Le Ruban Bleu, a posh dinner club in New York.
He had them back Johnnie Ray on his early 50's hits "Cry" and
"The Little White Cloud That
Cried" the success of which led to their own contract followed soon
by a number of pop Top 100 hits of their own, including "The Mockingbird,"
"Skokian," "Moments to Remember" and "Istanbul."

Girls swoon Pat Boone at a Chicago youth Rally - Apr.
Photo © Bettmann/Corbis
Charles Eugene Patrick (Pat) Boone graduated high school in Nashville in
1953 and soon after eloped with his classmate, country star
Red Foley's
daughter, Shirley. He made his first recording in 1954
on Republic Records and appeared on Arthur Godfrey's
Talent show and then The Ted Mack Amateur Hour which led to a contract
with Dot Records in 1955. Pat thought that he would be singing ballads in the
style of Perry Como but Dot producer Randy Wood had him record "Two Hearts, Two Kisses", a cover of an R&B song by The Charms, which went to number
sixteen. His
next record, a cover of Fats Domino's "Ain't That A Shame",
along with Fats' version entered the charts in July of 1955 with
Domino's reaching number ten, and Pat's going to number one.5 By 1955 Pat
had also started becoming a regular on CBS television's "Arthur Godfrey and
His Friends."

Priscilla Wright on Ed Sullivan's "Toast of the Town"on the
USS Antietam - July 3, 1955
capture courtesy Priscilla Wright
At only fourteen years old, Canadian singer Priscilla
Wright had a hit single, "The Man in The Raincoat," in
1955 which led to several appearances in North America including one on Ed Sullivan's
show on CBS 6. The show, still
called "Toast of the Town," wasn't renamed the Ed Sullivan
Show until September 18, 1955. She
appeared on the July 3, 1955 show which was broadcast live from the deck of the
aircraft carrier USS Antietam
anchored in the Hudson River that week and featured The
Chordettes, of "Mr. Sandman" fame that night.7
The following April, Elvis,
Scotty, Bill and DJ would also perform televised
from an aircraft carrier.
Strangely, there was no mention of Priscilla's
performance at the Brooklyn High auditorium in any of the interviews and
articles of Bill Randle or Tommy Edwards regarding that time. Several students though do
remember her appearance and her wearing a raincoat when she performed. Priscilla remembers attending the
Circle theater performance the previous evening also and sharing a limo with Pat Boone to
St. Michael's Hall for the evening
performances later that day.

Bill Haley & The Comets - 1955
Franny Beecher, Johnny Grande, Joey Ambrose, Marshall Lytle, Dick
Photo © 1955 - Bill Haley & The Comets
courtesy Rock
is Fifty
Originally a Country and Western band,
"Bill Haley and the Saddlemen," formed in 1949 and changed their
name to "Bill
Haley and the Comets" in 1952. Pioneers of Rock and Roll,
they originally recorded "Rock Around The Clock" in 1954
which saw only a little success. They then had a hit with Big Joe
Turner's "Shake Rattle and Roll" and then saw
"Rock Around the Clock" go to number one the following
year in 1955 with a reissue after
it was used in the movie "Blackboard
Jungle." By the time of their appearance at the Brooklyn High
School they had already made their first national television performance on The Ed Sullivan Show,
on August 7, 1955.8 Tommy Edwards had met them the year before on a promo
tour and believed that this appearance and the one later that night at St.
Michael's were the only times Haley performed in Cleveland.9
Of the five acts, Elvis was the least known, especially to the students at
Brooklyn, where he opened the show. He
was also the only one without some sort of CBS affiliation though Randle
and others had been pitching him to Mitch Miller who on behalf of Columbia
Records had asked Bob Neal for a price for his contract from Sam
Phillips. Randle had also been dealing with Hill and Range, song
publishers of the BMI family who specialized in "partnership publishing."
They had expressed interest in Elvis as early as May of 55 and
desired to recruit Randle to start a talent management company which
would likely have had Randle end up as Elvis' manager. It was no secret
that rumors were about that Sam Phillips was entertaining offers to sell
Elvis' contract and Randle thought Elvis' inclusion in the movie might
come in handy in the marketing of Elvis' contract.10

Bill Randle, Scotty, Elvis and Bill backstage at Brooklyn
HS - Oct. 20, 1955
Photo courtesy People Magazine
Tommy Edwards had booked Elvis, Scotty and Bill for a return performance at the
Circle theater the previous night,
which is were Randle first met them on their first
appearance in the North the previous February and had
suggested them for an audition (unsuccessful) on Arthur Godfrey's Talent
scouts. Randle had been
playing their records in Cleveland since January and still thinking he had spotted a
winner, he plugged the "sensational young singer" (Presley) in his Oct. 1,
1955, newspaper column, "Randle on Record," as the singer "whose style
is a combination of hillbilly nasalties, rock ’n’ roll, Johnnie Ray and a peculiar sound all his own.
The new phenomenon looks like Tony Curtis and drives a pink and black
Cadillac. Watch him roar."2

Bill Haley and Elvis at Brooklyn HS - Oct. 20, 1955
Photo by Tommy Edwards courtesy
Christopher Kennedy
Prior to the show at the Brooklyn
Auditorium, Tommy Edwards took a
photo of Bill and Elvis backstage. The Brooklyn appearance was not the first time that Bill Haley had
shared a stage with Elvis, Scotty and Bill. Earlier in October the Colonel, not
yet managing Elvis, had approached Haley's manager to team Bill and
the Comets with a Hank Snow tour, which Elvis, Scotty and Bill joined in
Oklahoma City on the
16th. They had missed each other by a day in days prior in Lubbock,
TX, where each of their acts were opened by Buddy Holly. The
Colonel's objective was to get Elvis more exposure and appear more
lucrative to
RCA who were also interested in his contract.10

Scotty, B. Randle, T. Edwards, Elvis and Bill onstage at
Brooklyn HS - Oct. 20, 1955
Photo courtesy Elvis
Presley news
Priscilla Wright remembers meeting Arthur
Cohen, the director of Bill's film the night before at the Circle
Theater and of hearing something about union difficulties. Cohen's credits to date, according to the Internet movie
database were as a writer, director and producer of a series of shorts
for Universal. According to Randle: “He thought he was ‘pitiful,’ completely
unacceptable, not worth the time and effort to set up the numbers. I
told him about the phenomenal response Presley was getting . . . but
Cohen was adamant.10 Bill then arranged to pay the cameraman,
Jack Barnett, the overtime out of his pocket to film Elvis. He
contracted with the local Musician's Union for a backup band. According to Jane Scott
of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, she saw checks for $230 to Cohen, $200 to Barnett and
a $600 check to conductor pianist
Wendell Tracy for the musicians. The Musicians Union contract called for a
"stage show plus movie film and sound production for an 18-minute movie"
at Brooklyn High School from 1 to 4 p.m.2
John Gelardi, a freshmen at the time, remembers the camera and crew set up
in the center rear section of the theater below the balcony and the crew
resembling an "old time movie crew with beret style hats and caps
on backwards".

B. Randle, T. Edwards, Scotty, Elvis and Bill onstage at
Brooklyn HS - Oct. 20, 1955
Photo courtesy Chris Kennedy and NPR
Pat Boone, just twenty-one years old, never forgot the occasion of his first meeting with Elvis
Presley. I had
lived in Texas, and I had seen his name on some country jukeboxes, and I
wondered how in the world a hillbilly could be the next big thing,
especially with a name like Elvis Presley. So I was curious, and sure
enough, at the high school auditorium where we did this thing, he came
backstage, and already he had a little entourage [probably Red and his
cousin Gene]. Now, nobody in Cleveland had ever heard of him, so the
fact that he had an entourage struck me as funny. I went over dressed in
my button-down collar and thin tie and white buck shoes and introduced
myself. He mumbled something I couldn't understand, leaned back against
the wall with his head down, and never looked me in the eye. So, I said,
‘Boy, Bill Randle thinks you’re really going to be big,' and he said, "Mmm
. . .mrrrbbllee ..., ’ sort of a country twang mumble. I just couldn’t
tell what he was saying. He had his shirt collar turned up, and his hair
was real greasy, and it was, well, he was always looking down, you know,
like he couldn’t look up. I thought to myself, what's the matter with
this guy? I thought his performance would be a catastrophe, that he’d
pass out onstage or something." 10

Elvis and Scotty onstage at Brooklyn HS - Oct. 20, 1955
Photo courtesy Ger Rijff's "Memphis Lonesome"
Priscilla vividly remembers standing backstage with Elvis as
they waited for their respective turns on stage, "I can still see him, as he walked on stage, how he turned into that incredible
performer. I remember Bill Haley and his Comets, performing with his bass upside down - first and only time I've seen that !"

Bill Randle and Elvis onstage at Brooklyn HS - Oct. 20, 1955
Photo courtesy Brooklyn
Historical Society
Boone’s fears were not realized. When Elvis hit the
stage he looked to Boone like he
had just gotten off a motorcycle. He had his shirt open, and he looked
like he was laughing at something, like he had some private joke, you
He didn’t say anything, just went into some rockabilly type song, and
the kids loved it. I was really surprised. Then he opened his mouth and
said something, and it was so hillbilly that he lost the crowd. Then he
sang another song and won them over again. As long as he didn’t talk, he
was okay. It took me a long time to win that crowd."

Scotty, Elvis and Bill onstage at Brooklyn HS - Oct. 20, 1955
Photo © Plain-Dealer courtesy Brooklyn
Historical Society
In 1980, Cleveland Plain Dealer reporter Jane Scott wrote, "Brooklyn High School Principal William T. Hall, then a teacher, remembers
the enthusiasm of the students. Athletic director Henry C. Joy
held the doors to keep the
students away from Pat Boone and the Four Lads.
"It seems to me that the kids were more turned on by Boone than
Presley," recalled Joseph Garn, assistant principal.
Guidance counselor Helen Hurst Scheau remembers that day, too. "I sat in
the second row. I’m afraid I wasn‘t too impressed with Presley. But I
remember his bright pink glittery suit."
So does James E. Heege, now a managing engineer for Ohio Bell. 'Probably because the suit seemed a little out of place at that time.
was backstage turning lights on and off. We were more excited about Pat
Sgt. Dennis Yurik of the Brooklyn Police Department might have been in
that movie. The cameraman took his picture in study hall. 'I was really
interested in Bill Haley, but I can still picture Presley’s pink suit,'
he said.
Actually, Presley had a red suit, but the lights made it look pink. He
wore white buck shoes because he wanted to look like Pat Boone, Randle
remembered." 2

Students watching the performance at Brooklyn HS
auditorium - Oct. 20, 1955
Photo from "The Eaglet 1956" courtesy Brooklyn
Historical Society
With the student body at around 500, the inclusion of faculty, staff and
members of the PTA, there probably weren't more than around 600 people
that actually saw the show that afternoon. Former PTA president Betty Rauch remembers that day
"We had a PTA board meeting here, and Mr. Nieman always sat in on it. He
told us we were going to have this assembly with Pat Boone, Bill Haley
and the Comets, and the Four Lads, and if we wanted to sit up in the
balcony, we were welcome. So the whole PTA board came and sat in on it.
And when Elvis came out in that orange suit . . . He was a shocker when
he got up there. You didn’t see people wiggle like that back then."
With just a hint of a swoon in her voice, Joanne Miller, a student at the time said "Oh he looked
good. He was very good looking with his hair slicked back, tight pants,
and this orange suit." In addition to the newly released "Mystery Train,"
Elvis performed,
"That’s All Right," "Blue Moon of Kentucky," "Good
Rockin' Tonight" and
" I Forgot to Remember to Forget." 3

Pat Boone - Oct. 20, 1955
Photo from "The Eaglet 1956" courtesy Brooklyn
Historical Society
Rauch, Miller and Pat Smith, a fellow classmate who was
also part of the audience that day remembered that all they did was talk
about the young performer after he left the stage. "Everyone
asked, ‘Who is he?' ‘What is he?' " Elvis' brand of music was
strange — it was blues, it was country, and it was performed in a way
that stunned his audience. He was definitely different.
3 Joyce
Harrison, another student remembers walking home with her friends
talking about his red jacket, trying to decide if it was red or
orange. Elvis actually wore a brown jacket initially backstage and
changed to red for the performance. Bill Haley and The Comets all
wore red too.

The Four Lads perform at Brooklyn HS auditorium - Oct.
20, 1955
Photo from "The Eaglet 1956" courtesy Brooklyn
Historical Society
Backstage, Randle introduced Elvis to Mike Stewart, a big bear of a man who had been very successful in
managing the Four Lads and would one day take over the United Artists
label. Stewart reputedly called Mitch Miller at Columbia Records the following
day adding to the chorus of praise that Randle had started and that Miller
clearly wished would go away.10 Stewart though, was not very impressed
with Elvis. Bernie Toorish of The Four Lads said Stewart dismissed him as
"just a flash in the pan." 11 Randle would later say that
Stewart told him that he would ruin his career with him.12
Elvis, Scotty and Bill had their latest recording out from Sun, "Mystery Train."
Tommy Edwards sold
45's in the lobby and passed out souvenir
photos of the acts to the students. Later that night the acts, at the
very least Pat Boone, along with Elvis, Scotty and Bill performed again
at St. Michael's. Filming was said to have been done there also
though Scotty doesn't recall cameras being there. Edwards, written up in Billboard magazine as the first disc jockey
in the country to have a newsletter, wrote in the T. E. Newsletter on
Oct. 21, 1955: "This has been quite a week for me, what with the Grand
Ole Opry in town and appearing in Bill Randle's short
movie subject. 2

Tommy Edwards hands out souvenir photos at Brooklyn HS
auditorium - Oct. 20, 1955
Photo from "The Eaglet 1956" courtesy Brooklyn
Historical Society
In the
Saturday, October 22, 1955, edition of the Cleveland Press, in Bill
Randle’s column, was an item called "Turn-table Topics," which read: "Turning my
life into a frenzy this week was a shooting company from Universal
International Pictures. I’m not a Gable at acting, so I’m fortunate to
be supported in this film short by Pat Boone, the Four Lads, Bill Haley
and his Comets, and the phenomenal Elvis Presley. Called 'Top jock,' the
film will run about 15 minutes when it hits your movie house."
On the very same day as the show, Gladys and Vernon Presley signed a telegram provided by Tom Diskin granting the Colonel "sole and exclusive" representation of their son with respect to "all negotiations" for a new recording contract.
Diskin's accompanying message seeks to reassure the
Presleys that they are in the "most competent hands." 13
Four days later, on October 24, the Colonel contacted Sam Phillips, informing him
of his new managerial status and demanding that he name his "best flat
price for complete dissolution free and clear of the talent and
recording services of Elvis Presley." 10 The following
month Elvis' contract was bought by RCA.

Bill Randle introduces Elvis on network TV - Jan 28, 1956
Capture © "The Stageshow Performances" courtesy
Kevin Segura
On January, 28, 1956, just over 3 months after the performance at
Brooklyn High, Elvis, Scotty, Bill and D.J. made their first
national appearance on
network television. Bill Randle was there and introduced them,
or rather Elvis,
"We'd like at this time to introduce you to a young fellow who like
many performers, Johnnie Ray among them, come up out of nowhere to be
overnight very big stars. This young fellow we saw for the very first
time while making a movie short, we think tonight that he's going to
make television history for you. We'd like you to meet him now, Elvis
Presley! and here he is..."
The New York portion of filming never happened.
"Union jurisdiction problems came up between the Hollywood and New York film
crews. CBS didn't want to get involved in union difficulties — all their
stall were union — and the film was canceled," Randle said. Of the Cleveland footage, Bill said "I showed it myself at a Euclid Shore Junior High School assembly. And I
showed clips of it on WEWS Channel 5 in 1956, as well as some
Las Vegas footage I had taken of Elvis."
2 Around the time that the Brooklyn class of 1956 was
preparing for graduation, Parker signed
Elvis for a Hal Wallis
Paramount film, "Love Me Tender," with the stipulation that any previous
films of Presley 'would be legally enjoined.' And at that pinpoint in time, the Elvis Presley, Pat Boone, Bill Haley
and the Comets and the Four Lads film 'disappeared,'" Randle said.

Page from Brooklyn HS Class of 1956 Yearbook,
Photo from "The Eaglet 1956" courtesy Brooklyn
Historical Society
The yearbook for the class of 56 only briefly mentioned
the concert and filming. Bill Haley and the Comets were not mentioned at
all. Three short sentences read,
"Hollywood came to Brooklyn in the form of lights, cameras and plenty of
action. Bill Randle, dean of the disks, brought a fabulous cast, including the
top recording stars of the day.
Participating in various scenes of the movie, the students were given
their first taste of glory, glitter and the fascination of moving
pictures." 2 Surprisingly
enough, the yearbooks have become highly sought after collector items. Even the copies at the High School and local
libraries have turned up missing. The Brooklyn
Historical Society Museum keeps theirs locked up.

Brooklyn School Auditorium stage - 2008
Photo by Christopher Kaspar
Randle also brought other acts to assemblies at the High
school, like Eydie Gorme and the Everly brothers before leaving full
time radio in
the 60s to pursue higher education.3 In September of 1958, 524 high school students started
classes in the new Brooklyn High School built adjacent to the rear of
the old one while 247 junior high students
occupied the old school.

From the stage at Brooklyn School Auditorium - 2008
Photo by Christopher Kaspar
Priscilla Wright, though offered a contract in 1955, was
forced to postpone her singing career by her parents for several years
and did not return to performing until the mid 1980s.6 The Four
Lads earned their last Gold record in 1956. Through the years some
members changed and they broke up in 1977. In 1984 Bernie Toorish
resurrected the band and has continued to perform to this day though he
is the only original member from the '50s lineup.4
From the end of 1954 until the end of 1956, Bill Haley and The Comets
placed nine singles into the top twenty, one at number one and three more
in the top ten, though three of the original members left the band at
the end of 1955. They were already well into their 30s by the time
they charted and by 1959 were not placing singles or albums anywhere
near the top of the charts. Bill saw a resurgence of interest in his
music in the '70s before he passed away in 1981 at the age of 55.14
From 1955 to 1962 Pat Boone had fifty-four hit singles and for four consecutive
years, 1955 to 1959, he was never off the pop charts. During that time,
only Elvis sold more records.5

Brooklyn School Auditorium stage - 2008
Photo by Christopher Kaspar
As for the film, commonly referred to now as "The Pied Piper of
Cleveland," it has since been shrouded in myth and confusion and
the existence of which the subject of much debate. Jack Barnett, who shot the movie, died in
1967 and Arthur Cohen, the director, died in 1968. In 1980 Jane
Scott wrote that Randall figures he spent $4,000 for the Brooklyn High film, $7,000 for
the Las Vegas one and around $20 ,000 setting up the canceled New York
"During the course of a production, you can hire someone to do other
work. I hired the cameraman, director and stars to do the Brooklyn High
show. I paid them. There is no doubt in my mind that that segment is
"What I did legally was actually pay for — and own the rights to — that
particular segment of the film being done for Universal. They shot
certain things; I shot certain things.2

Brooklyn School Auditorium lobby - 2008

framed pieces of the Dali curtain fabric "Spring Rain" on
display in the lobby - 2008
In 1992, an article in People magazine reported that after killing the
short, Universal had reputedly stored the film in canisters marked A DAY IN THE
LIFE OF A FAMOUS DJ, and that over the years Bill established ownership
and copyright in his name. The article stated the he then sold it sight unseen to a British
production company for $1.9 million whose parent company, PolyGram, in
turn bought the film for $2.2 million.

Brooklyn School Auditorium - 2008
The story takes an interesting and even more confusing
twist when mistaken associations were made. Ray Santilli, an independent
producer in the UK, bought film from a cameraman in Cleveland in the
summer of 1993 who had reputedly shot footage of Elvis at an outdoor
concert for Universal news. The cameraman then arranged to sell
him footage
from "The, reputed, Roswell Alien
Autopsy." Confusing things even more, when grilled about the legitimacy
of the autopsy footage, Santilli, in order to protect the identity of
the cameraman gave his name as that of Jack Barnett, Randle's
cinematographer. In short, Randle's footage from the Brooklyn concert
in 1955 to this day remains unseen and lost. Bill's 1956 Las Vegas footage
survives and portions have been used in the documentary "Elvis
Bill Randle passed the Ohio State Bar exams at the age
of sixty four and practiced law for sixteen years. He also returned part-time to
radio in the 1990s, anchoring an early morning show on WRMR Cleveland
before passing away in 2004. The following year a 50th anniversary
benefit show was held at Brooklyn's auditorium on October 22, 2005.

Frame Created From The Original Brooklyn High School
Auditorium Stage Floor
Photo courtesy April
Georgius and Brooklyn
Historical Society Museum
The Anniversary benefit featured performances by members
of the Comets, the Four Lads and Priscilla Wright, who had all participated
in the performances there fifty years earlier. The stage floor at the high school
had been replaced sometime prior and wide wooden frames made from
sections of the old stage were made to frame composite posters of the
reunion show in 2005. They were given to area donors who had subsidized the 2005
benefit concert.

Brooklyn School Auditorium - 2008
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland designated the High School as a rock and
roll Landmark in October of 1998.
Today the High
School and the old school, now occupied by the Middle
school, both share the address of 9200 Biddulph Rd. The school's drama department has always been very active and produces
several plays in the auditorium each year.

Brooklyn School Auditorium - 2008
One final note to be added is that several mysterious
unexplained events and mishaps in the auditorium over the years has led many to
believe it to be haunted. Some say its haunted by the ghost of a janitor
while others say its the ghost of Clarence L. Rice but whether its
superstition or just a tradition that's been carried over the
years, Chris Kaspar,
the set director, will confirm that permission is still asked of whatever
apparition on the first day of a new production to insure no
"super-natural" interference.

Brooklyn's Auditorium, High School and Middle
School - 2008
Aerial Photo courtesy Microsoft Corporation © EathData
page added April 10, 2009
(updated with Christopher Kennedy Photo July 14, 2011)
Special thanks to April Georgius and
Chris Kaspar of the Brooklyn High School, to Barbara Stepic and John
Gelardi of the Brooklyn
Historical Society Museum for their assistance with this page,
and to Priscilla Wright for her input.
Be sure to check out
1950s Radio in Color: The Lost Photographs of Deejay Tommy Edwards.
excerpt from "Cuyahoga County History of 1879"courtesy
Historical Society Museum
2 excerpt from or
according to "Elvis Movie is Missing" by
Jane Scott - The Plain Dealer May 4, 1980
3 according to
"Forty Years Ago Elvis brought his act to Brooklyn High" by Rosemary
Rood-Tutt - Brooklyn Sun Journal Oct 19, 1995
4 according to All Music Guide
by Bryan Thomas,
5 according to Classic
Bands - Pat Boone
6 according to
Wright Official Website
7 according to
Kevin Segura at Restoration
Sound and Vision
8 according to
The Comets - The
First Band of Rock and Roll
9 according to "Haley starred at school assembly"
by Jane Scott - The Plain Dealer. Feb. 12, 1981
10 excerpt from or according to "Last
Train to Memphis" by Peter Guralnick
11 according to "Scene
and Heard" by Sarah Crump - The Plain Dealer. Oct, 22, 1998
12 excerpt from "Not
Everyone Was a Fan" Deejay Bill Randle talks to David Barnett in 1993
13 excerpt from Elvis
Day By Day by Peter Guralnick and Ernst Jorgensen
14 according to
the "All
music guide to country" by Michael Erlewine