St. Michael's Hall

The building that was St. Michael's Hall at 10004 Union
Ave. Cleveland
Photo manipulation to resemble c1950s appearance
Not to be confused with the St. Michael's Catholic Church in Cleveland, the
St. Michael's church that resided in Cleveland at 10000 Union Avenue was a Russian
Orthodox Church who's history began after the turn of the century on the
east side of Cleveland when "large groups of Russian, Carpatho-Russian
and other Eastern Slav immigrants poured into the Cleveland area looking
for work in the steel mills, clothing factories and in a thriving
coastal port." Originally members of St. John the Baptist Church,
they separated from the "Unia
Faith (or Eastern Rite Roman Catholics)" and in 1922
founded the
Archangel Michael Church. They completed construction of their own church building in 1927 on the property purchased at 10000 Union
Avenue.1 That same year the Rev." Fr. Vladimir Prislopsky and many far-sighted laymen
and clergy organized the Federated Russian Orthodox Clubs (F.R.O.C) as a national organization uniting Orthodox Christians in faith, fellowship and service."2

F.R.O.C. Conference -
date unknown
Photo courtesy
Under the direction of the Rev. Fr. Prislopsky, who was
assigned to the parish in 1933, the parish flourished and a social hall with
an auditorium and bowling alleys was built at 10004 Union Ave, next to
the church. In addition to use by the parish, the hall was also rented
out for use by the public and several of Cleveland's first rock-n-roll shows were
said to have taken place there.

Pat Boone ca. 1955
Photo courtesy Goldmine
On the night of October 20, 1955, Elvis,
Scotty and Bill performed there on a bill that featured acts filmed
earlier that day at the
Brooklyn High School Auditorium by Cleveland DeeJay, Bill
Randle. The other acts were said to include Pat Boone, Bill Haley
and the Comets, The Four Lads and Priscilla Wright. Elvis, Scotty and
Bill had performed in Cleveland the previous evening at the
Circle theater with Roy
Acuff and Kitty Wells.

Elvis on stage at St. Michael's Hall - Oct 20, 1955
Photo Bill Randle Collection courtesy "The King on the
In 1980, Randle told Cleveland reporter Jane Scotty,
"We went to St. Michael's
Hall at E. 100th and Union and shot a concert for 1,000 there that
night. It was something like an Agora show." 3
Peter Guralnick wrote that unlike the scene at the high school, where
the kids were restrained by the looming presence of their teachers (the
athletic director, Mr. joy, held the doors to keep the students away
from Pat Boone), here the girls screamed without restraint and fought to
get to Elvis and Boone as they performed. When Presley broke the strings
on his guitar, Randle said, and then smashed the guitar on the floor,
"it was mass hysteria. We needed police
to get him out of the hall, clothes torn, a sleeve ripped from
his jacket. Boone also got the same response." 4

Elvis backstage at St. Michael's Hall (Mary Ann and Nancy
at far right) - Oct 20, 1955
Photo by Tommy Edwards courtesy
Christopher Kennedy
Randle's recollections or embellishments are evidently a
bit of an overstatement. First of all, Elvis didn't smash his or
any other guitar that evening. Secondly, no police were needed to
get him out and as photos from the evening show he was actually very
approachable. The hall itself was a very small place and likely
couldn't seat a thousand people. At 17 years old, Nancy Piechota (then Nancy Durica) was a senior at
Lourdes Academy in Cleveland.
She used to listen to Bill Randle on WERE and after hearing on the radio that
Pat Boone
was going to be appearing at St. Michaels, she, along with her friend,
Mary Ann Zurwell, drove across town to attend the show.

Elvis backstage at St. Michael's Hall - Oct 20, 1955
Photo courtesy Nancy Piechota
Of all the acts said to have performed there that evening, Nancy only remembers Pat Boone and Elvis
In 1997 she told her story to Country Weekly. "We were there to see Pat Boone," admits
"We had no idea who Elvis was. Nobody did. I'll bet there were no more than 300 people in that room.
“After the concert, Mary Ann and I slipped backstage with no trouble. Pat Boone might have had security, but
Elvis sure didn't. Needless to say, our photo soon became a hot item with our Friends at Lourdes Academy and
Marymount High School - everyone wanted copies. We saw him once more in
Cleveland, when he was a much bigger star, but this is the concert
I remember because it was so personal." 5
Nancy still has the autograph she got from Elvis when she
took the photo.

El Haza Temple # 28 & Grenadier Club - Sep 2008
Fr. Prislopsky ran the parish until his death in 1970. Overtime most of
the parishioners had relocated to surrounding suburbs. By 1977 the Union Avenue
location was sold and the parish relocated and constructed a church on new property ten miles south of downtown
Cleveland in the suburb of Broadview Heights where it resides today led
by the Rev. Fr. John Memorich, the Rector since 1996.

Stage at St. Michael's (El Hasa Temple) - April 9, 2009
Photo courtesy Robert Alexander
Fr. Memorich said, "although we eventually transplanted the parish to our new local in
Broadview Heights, the original church building and parish hall are
still standing at 10000 Union Ave. Some of our older parishioners
were at Elvis' concert and remarked that, "he was the first person
I ever saw who wore a pink shirt." I have been contacted on numerous occasions as to
the whereabouts of a film that was supposedly shot of this event. The film, I am told, is still one of
the "holy grails" of Elvishood."

View of Auditorium from the stage at St. Michael's (El
Hasa Temple) - April 9, 2009
Photo courtesy Robert Alexander
He added,
"one interesting piece of trivia: because his show seemed to be such a
success with the youth, Elvis' agent asked our hall manager if he could
book a second night. The hall manager, looking around at all of the
screaming kids said, "Nah....I don't think so." This gives us
the distinct honor of not only being one of the very first venues for
Elvis, but also probably one of the first to turn him down also!"

the rear of El Haza Temple # 28 & Grenadier Club - Sep
Today, the original church and parish hall are still in
use. The church at 10000 Union Ave is now the "Wings
of Deliverance Faith Temple" and the hall at 10004 is now
the El Hasa Temple #28 - Grenadier Club, and the Bezaleel Consistory
No. 15, fraternal members of
the Shriner's Organization. The building still has the bowling
alley in the basement, though the basketball hoops are gone from the auditorium the stage is still there and, and as in 1955, is occasionally rented out for

El Haza Temple # 28 & Grenadier Club - Sep 2008

Aerial Photos courtesy Microsoft Corporation © EathData
page added April 10, 2009
(updated with Christopher Kennedy Photo July 14, 2011)
Special thanks to Nancy Piechota, Fr. John Memorich,
Raymond Blair and Robert Alexander for their input and assistance.
Be sure to check out
1950s Radio in Color: The Lost Photographs of Deejay Tommy Edwards.
1 courtesy Broadview Heights, OH
2 history
courtesy Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America
3 excerpt from "Elvis Movie is Missing" by
Jane Scott - The Plain Dealer May 4, 1980
4 excerpt from "Last
Train to Memphis" by Peter Guralnick
5 courtesy Country
Weekly August 1997