North Junior High School
Roswell, New Mexico
The City of Roswell, in southeast New Mexico began as a
crossroads where several springs provided cattle herds with water.
Cattle Baron John Chisum
and his cattle were, in large part, responsible for sustaining a good
part of Roswell’s early economy since the Chisum Trail began near
Roswell and was used by cowboys driving longhorn cattle to the railhead
at Las Cruces. In 1869 Roswell began to
take shape with the arrival of Van C. Smith, a professional gambler.
Mr. Smith filed his claim in the spring of 1871, and changed the
settlement’s name to honor his father, Roswell Smith.1

North Junior High School, Roswell, NM - c.1930s
Photo #1564-188 courtesy Historical
Society for Southeast New Mexico, Roswell
In 1890, a vast artesian water supply was discovered beneath Roswell and
ditches were dug to divert the water into vegetable fields. In 1891 the town of Roswell was
incorporated and the Roswell Dispatch, now known as the
Roswell Daily
Record, began its long history of providing the news to the Roswell
area. 1891 also saw the establishment of the Goss Military
Institute, later known as the New Mexico Military Institute. Roswell continued to prosper and during the depression economic growth
was maintained with the help of WPA projects which strengthened the
community and planted seeds for cultural growth. In 1929 the
Central School at 300 N. Kentucky Avenue was razed and North Junior High
School, a deco brick style building, was
constructed at that location.1

Dr. Robert H. Goddard at Roswell, New Mexico in October
Photo by Esther K. Goddard
One of humanity's earliest steps toward space travel
began in Roswell, New Mexico, where Dr. Robert H. Goddard, born in
Worcester, Massachusetts, and considered the father of modern rocket
propulsion, refined his liquid fuel technology. Dr. Goddard set up
an experimental station in Roswell where throughout the 1930s, he
created the basis of modern rocketry, including gyroscopic directional
controls, exhaust-deflection steering, rapid-combustion fuels, and
power-driven fuel pumps. In World War II, Goddard worked for the
Navy; but ironically, the Germans took his work more seriously, and so
benefited more from it than the U.S. As an inventor and visionary,
he, more than anyone else, paved the way for the space age.2
Military presence
at Roswell began with the installation of a military flying school in
which later became the Roswell Army Air Field. One of the
servicemen assigned to the 91st Airbase Squadron at Roswell as a Control
tower operator from 1943 to 1945 was DeForest Kelley. He would
later become a famous actor and eventually star as Dr. Bones McCoy in
Star Trek the television series and movies.

During WW II, Camp Roswell also contained a large prisoner-of-war
camp at Orchard Park, housing 4800 German and Italian prisoners.
The prisoners were used as construction laborers on local projects and
built many of Roswell's parks. After WWII, Roswell Army Air Field became the home of the only atomic
warfare group, the 509th Composite Bomb Group, which became the core of
the newly created Strategic Air Command. The
"Enola Gay" B-29 bomber was part of that group and stationed
there. When the Army and Air
Force became separate entities in 1948, the name of the base was changed
to Walker Air Force Base.

Roswell Daily Record - July 8, 1947
In July of 1947 a mysterious crash occurred on a ranch about 75
miles northwest of the city, on a ranch near Corona that would later become known as "The
Roswell Incident." The crash when reported to the local
authorities was initially investigated by Major Jesse Marcel, an
Army intelligence office assigned to the 509th at Roswell. After
collecting and preliminarily analyzing debris from the site, a press release was put
out by the Roswell Air Force Base's Public Information Officer that it
was the wreckage of a crashed "disk". It was published in the
Roswell Daily Record and broadcast on several radio stations
Here to listen to original
Roswell Crash
Radio Broadcast).

Roswell Daily Record - July 9, 1947

Gen. Roger M. Ramey and chief of staff Col.Thomas
J. Dubose, and Maj. Jesse Marcel
posed with weather balloon in Fort Worth, TX - July 8, 1947
Photos by Fort Worth Star-Telegram and Associated
Hours later, the press release was retracted, and a new one released,
stating it was a weather balloon that they mistakenly identified as a
flying saucer. The military tried hard to convince the local news that
it was nothing other than a weather balloon and a big mistake by their
department to say otherwise. The debris was collected and moved to
Fort Worth and then Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio. Local citizens who witnessed the crash remained
hush-hush about the doings until they retired. Major Marcel later said
the weather balloon was not part of the debris he found, but
was substituted by the military for the photographs taken days after the
incident. The incident was literally forgotten for many years.

Nickson Hotel in Roswell, NM - c.1950
Photo courtesy Historical
Society for Southeast New Mexico, Roswell
On February 14, 1955, after performing in
Lubbock, TX the night before, Elvis, Scotty and Bill traveled to
Roswell to perform on the bill with the Hank Snow Jamboree for the first
time. Though still managed by Bob Neal, Colonel Parker and Hank
Snow in conjunction with their company, Jamboree Productions, had
recently been enlisted to help with bookings and promotions.
According to Peter Guralnick in "Elvis Day by Day",
the Colonel instructed Elvis to meet Tom Diskin at Roswell 's "leading hotel"
no later than 3:00 p.m. in order to do radio promotion and get the
schedule for his first appearance that evening on the already--in--progress Hank Snow Jamboree tour.
At the time, the leading Hotel in Roswell was the Nickson Hotel at 121
E. 5th Street. The performances, sponsored by the Roswell Fire
Department, were held at the North Junior High School Auditorium at 7:30
and 9:30 p.m.

North Junior High School, Roswell, NM - c.1950
Photo #3252 courtesy Historical
Society for Southeast New Mexico, Roswell
Hank Snow was originally from Canada and first started thinking about a
musical career as a child after hearing Jimmie Rodgers. He along
with his band, "The Rainbow Ranch Boys" hosted their own radio program
on CHNS radio in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1933 and released his first
recording in 1936. In the 40s he started touring the US where he
met Ernest Tubb and in 1948 broke into the US Market recording at RCA in
Chicago. In 1949 he moved to Nashville and in 1950 Ernest Tubb was
instrumental in getting him on the Grand Ol Opry.
In 1953 he also
performed for troops in Japan and Korea with Ernest Tubb and the
following year, in 1954, he formed a Nashville-based booking agency,
Hank Snow Enterprises-Jamboree Productions, with Colonel Parker.
Hank was also the one that introduced Elvis, Scotty and Bill at their
one and only appearance at the Opry in 1954. In 1955, Hank became
the first guitarist to record an instrumental album with Chet Atkins.3
Their only performances at Roswell were the first of many that Elvis,
Scotty and Bill would perform with Hank's Jamboree and according to
Scotty, the audiences, one by one, began to show a vociferous
preference for Elvis.4

Auditorium at former North Junior High School, Roswell -
Feb. 2008
Photo © Danny Boswell
Hank may have been the star but it was the youngster from Memphis who
made the crowds scream for more. "I felt sorry for Hank," said
Scotty. "It didn't matter whether Elvis was on first or last, the
reaction was always the same." 4
Scotty said one night Hank was trying to do his song “Movin’ On”, which
had been a huge hit, and the girls kept screaming. Hank stopped the
band, stepped up to the mic, and announced, “If you’ll let me finish
my song, the little bastard will be out to sing for you!” Then he
proceeded to finish “Movin’ On” and introduced Elvis.

Auditorium at former North Junior High School, Roswell -
Feb. 2008
Photo © Danny Boswell
Bob Neal noticed that audience reaction depended on whether they were
within range of KWKH in Shreveport. "In towns where he'd had radio
exposure, it was a frenzied type of reaction," Scotty said. "The
girls were screaming, jumping up and down and passing out. The
reaction was negative with the boys. A great many resented it." 4

Auditorium at former North Junior High School, Roswell -
Feb. 2008
Photo © Danny Boswell
North Junior High School was renamed Pueblo Junior High School in
1963. During the 1960s, the Federal government built Atlas missile sites and
Nike missile installations within a twenty-five mile radius of the Air
Force base, which were only operational for a few years. Walker Air
Force Base was closed in 1967 and was converted into the Roswell
International Air Center.

McDonalds on Main St. Roswell - 2006
Photo courtesy
Dave Dickerson
With the closing of the base in Roswell the population decreased by 50
percent. Years later, when the witnesses to the crash in 1947 came
out with their story, Roswell got the attention of the world who
immediately wanted to know more about the incident. With the help of the
government and their denials about the “Roswell Incident,” Roswell has
now become a Mecca for people wanting to know more. The result has been
thousands of people visiting annually and a new multi-million dollar
tourism industry. Seven new hotels, with more on the way, and many new
restaurants have sprung up to answer this burgeoning call. Even
McDonald’s has gotten into the mix by building their seventh worldwide
theme park restaurant there, designed to look like a spaceship residing
on Main Street.5

Roswell ISD Administration and Educational Services
Complex - Feb. 2008
Photo © Danny Boswell
Today, the building that was originally North Junior
High School at 300 N. Kentucky Avenue is now the Administration and
Services Complex for the Roswell Independent School District.
Aside from new windows, not a lot has changed visually about the building
and its auditorium since Elvis, Scotty and Bill performed their in 1955.
To date, we've yet to see any photos from their performance there but
a story in the Roswell Daily record on February 17, 2005 detailed
Ernst Jorgensen's quest for stories and photos. Hopefully he's
been fruitful and we'll someday see some in a future publication.
page added
March 3, 2008
excerpt courtesy
The Roswell Community World Wide Web Site
2 excerpted from NASAO's
Milestones in Aviation History: Aviation Firsts -
New Mexico
3 courtesy
Nashville Songwriters Foundation Hall of Fame
4 excerpt from "That's
Allright Elvis" by Scotty Moore and James Dickerson
5 excerpt of history by
Dusty Huckabee courtesy the
Roswell Chamber of Commerce
Special thanks to Danny Boswell of the
Roswell Independent
School District and to Elvis E. Fleming of the
Historical Society for Southeast New Mexico for their assistance
with photographs. Advertisement for Feb 14, 1955 is courtesy
Presley in Concert.