The Rialto Theater
Louisville, KY

Rialto Theater construction, Alfred and Oscar Joseph in
middle - 1920
courtesy Photographic Archives, Ekstrom Library,
University of Louisville
The Rialto Theater, at 616 S. 4th Street, on the west
side of 4th Street just south of Chestnut in Louisville Kentucky, was
built in 1920. It was designed by the Louisville firm of Joseph &
Joseph Architects, founded by brothers Oscar and Alfred Joseph.1

Rialto Theater construction, Oscar and Alfred Joseph near
stage - Oct. 13, 1920
courtesy Photographic Archives, Ekstrom Library,
University of Louisville

Rialto Theater balcony construction - Oct. 13, 1920
courtesy Photographic Archives, Ekstrom Library,
University of Louisville

Rialto Theater still under construction - 1920
Photo courtesy
Old Louisville Guide
The classical façade of the Rialto made extensive use of
white-glazed terra cotta tile from Cincinnati's
Rookwood Pottery. The finest and and most costly (at one million dollars)
theater in the city, the Rialto could seat 3500 people, had chandeliers
of Bohemian crystal, a great marble staircase, walls of expensive Rookwood tiles and a $30,000 pipe organ. It opened in 1921 as
Louisville's first grand movie palace.2
Loews United Artists Theater (Louisville's
Palace theater) would open across the street in 1928 followed by the
Theater down 4th Street in 1941.

Grand staircase of the Rialto Theater - 1921
courtesy Photographic Archives, Ekstrom Library,
University of Louisville
Modeled on the Capitol Theater in New York City, only
the best of materials were used and
they were incorporated into designs intended to dazzle. Crystal
chandeliers and brass torchères adorned the lobby, where a white marble
stairway led to an upper level promenade whose walls were hung with blue
silk damask, arabesqued in gold.1

The second floor promenade of the Rialto Theater -
courtesy Photographic Archives, Ekstrom Library,
University of Louisville
The second floor promenade of the Rialto Theater
included chandeliers, wall paper, frescoed ceilings, mirrors, chairs and
loveseats, and table with mythological figures forming the pedestal.
The area was illuminated with eighteen-light candelabra. The portals on
the left led to a balcony, which, combined with the main level, gave the
theater a capacity of thirty-five hundred people.1

Rialto Theater interior - 1921
courtesy Photographic Archives, Ekstrom Library,
University of Louisville

Rialto Theater interior - 1921
courtesy Photographic Archives, Ekstrom Library,
University of Louisville
The Rialto Theater had an elegant stage, with orchestra pit and
music stands. The stage was framed by an ornately tiled proscenium arch,
two box seats and the
walls included murals.1

The projection room at the Rialto Theater- 1921
courtesy Photographic Archives, Ekstrom Library,
University of Louisville

4th St. looking South with the Rialto on right during the 1937 flood
Postcard courtesy
Ohio River flood of 1937 took place in late January and February
1937. With damage stretching from Pittsburgh to Cairo, Illinois, 1
million were left homeless, with 385 dead and property losses reaching
$500 million, further worsened by the fact that it occurred during the
Great Depression and just a few years after the Dust Bowl. Water level
reached 57 feet in the
Louisville area, setting a new record. 70 percent of the city was
under at that time.3

Postcard of 4th Street. at night looking North showing Rialto on left -
vanishing movie theaters

Postcard of 4th Street looking North showing Rialto on
left - 1942
In 1942 Billboard reported that the Rialto was leased by
the Al and Belle Dow Agency who brought in name bands and "road legit
shows" to the theater in addition to the vaudeville type that the
theater had been featuring almost exclusively.

I.B.M. Convention Committee, J.J. Musselman - top row,
4th from Rt. - June 1954
Photo courtesy the
Louisville Magic Club
In 1930, J. Johnson Musselman, became the manager of the Rialto Theater. An entertainer by profession who
for years carried a roadshow and specialized in magic, he performed
under the name of "The Great Aska." 4
While managing the theater he still
made appearance at theaters within traveling distance and the April
magazine reported that a story appearing in the column of Harry Bloom,
columnist for the Louisville Times, described Musselman's difficulty
making dates during the the Ohio Valley flood in 1945 when the Louisville territory had its
second highest water to date. Musselman performed with his assistant
Pauline and her trained love-bird and the November 26, 1949
magazine reported that he "was the subject of a feature in the
Courier Journal rotogravure section complete with color photographs by
reason of his training of parakeets."

Saturday evening Post ad for Philip Morris - Mar. 19,
courtesy eBay
By 1955, Musselman had been the manager of
the Rialto for over 25 years.4 At the time, Louisville was the third largest tobacco manufacturing
center in the United States. As one of the largest employers there, the Richmond, Virginia based company of
Philip Morris operated two large
facilities in Louisville; a stemmery on Miller's lane where selected quality
tobacco are prepared for aging, and a factory at 1930 Maple St.
They also maintained warehouses to store tobacco during the slow aging

The Marquee of the Rialto - Dec. 8, 1955
Photo by Lin Caufield
courtesy Ger Rijff's "Long Lonely Highway"
On December 8, 1955 the Philip Morris company held a
special show of the Hank Snow All-Star Jamboree for its employees at the
Rialto that featured Elvis, Scotty, Bill and DJ. It was just over a week
earlier that they had performed a special show for the
employees of Philip Morris at the
Mosque theater in Richmond.

Scotty, Elvis, DJ and Bill onstage at the Rialto -
Dec. 8, 1955
Photo by Lin Caufield courtesy Ger Rijff's "Long Lonely Highway"
According to Lee Cotten, there were no advertisements
for this show in the Louisville papers and ads for the Rialto Theater
gave no hint that there would be anything presented that evening other
than the two scheduled films, "Tarantula!"
and "Running
Wild." 6

Scotty and Elvis onstage at the Rialto - Dec. 8,
Photo by Lin Caufield courtesy Ger Rijff's "Long Lonely Highway"

Full frame photo of Scotty, Elvis Bill and DJ onstage at the Rialto - Dec. 8,
Photo by Lin Caufied courtesy UofL
Libraries added July 29, 2013
Luckily, a photograph from the
Lin Caufield Collection at the University of Louisville dated
December 8, 1955 shows the marquee of the Rialto Theater announcing
“Phillip Morris Employee’s Night - Hank Snow All Star jamboree - Elvis
Presley - Duke of Paducah - Bill and Scotty and Don." (The final name is
undoubtedly a reference to D. J. Fontana whose first name is Dominic,
not Don.) Clearly seen in the photograph are huge posters and banners
for "Tarantula" and a smaller sandwich board for "Running Wild."

Elvis, DJ and Bill onstage at the Rialto - Dec. 8,
Photo by Lin Caufield courtesy Ger Rijff's "Long Lonely Highway"
Though there may have been no reviews or ads for the show in the papers
at the time, the employee shows were part of the beginnings of
Philip Morris' endorsement of country music to help promote its products
and were mentioned a
year to the day after the show at the Rialto when Billboard announced:
Philip Morris Frames Free C&W Shows to Plug Product
Talent Budget 400G; Weekly Air Seg Also in the Making
By Bill Sachs
-NASHVILLE--In a deal consummated here Thursday between Philip Morris,
Inc., and the Jim Denny Artist Bureau, with headquarters here, the
Philip Morris firm will sponsor 8 series of free touring country and
western music shows beginning at 'Richmond, Va., shortly after the first
of the year, and continuing for an indefinite period. The deal, finally
completed after months of negotiations between Denny and Philip Morris
officials, is expected to involve the greatest use of c.&w. talent ever
employed in a commercial venture of this kind. Talent cost, it is
reported, will run over $400,000.
To be known as the Philip Morris Country Music Show, the first unit is
slated for an extensive tour of the South. Appearances in other parts of
the country are set to follow. Augmenting the daily free shows,
employing top names in the c.&w. field, will be a weekly radio broadcast
using the same talent under- arrangements now being made by N. W. Ayer &
Son ad agency, representing the Philip Morris brand of cigarettes.
The station line-up and the originating station for each of these weekly
broadcasts will depend on the group’s travels and will be announced at a
later date, Philip Morris officials announce.
Ray Price Featured
Denny, now in the throes of casting the initial unit, stated here
Thursday that he has signed Ray Price, "Grand Ole Opry" star and
Columbia Records name, to head up the No. 1 group. Remainder of the
talent array for the first show will be announced at an early date.
Denny says, along with the unit's itinerary.
The Philip Morris Country Music Show will launch its tour with special
showings for the company's employees at its Richmond, VA, and Louisville
factories. The first of these will be held in Richmond January 4, moving
to Louisville for a January 11 appearance. Following these shows for the
company's employees the group will stage three free shows for the public
in each of these cities. Thereafter the group will make daily
appearances in a different Southern city. In addition to the regular
showings, unit members will make appearances at veterans' hospitals,
industrial locations and military bases.
A special Greyhound bus is being remodeled at a cost of nearly $10,000
to provide transportation facilities and dressing quarters for the
touring Philip Morris players. Using special mobile radio telephones
aboard the bus, show members will phone ahead and converse with
newspaper editors, civic leaders and disk jockeys in the
area they are about to visit.
Show a Forerunner
O. Parker McComas, president of Philip Morris, stated that the firm's
proposal to present touring country music shows featuring top c.&w.
names has been well received in all sections of the country.
Philip Morris, he pointed out, has been identified with an interest in
country music for a number of years and among other ventures in the
field presented Tennessee Ernie Ford to the nation's radio audience from
coast to coast. A year ago, the company spotlighted Elvis Presley in
special shows for its employees in Richmond and Louisville.
In May of this year, Philip Morris sponsored a three-hour National
Country Music Festival broadcast from the Jimmie Rodgers' Memorial
Celebration in Meridian, Miss.,
over a 22-station country music network throughout Mississippi, Alabama
and Louisiana, with Philip Morris vice-president, James C. Bowling, in
On this occasion, Bowling along with Lieut. Governor Carroll Gartin of
Mississippi, was honored with the Ralph Peer National Country Music
Award. "Our latest move in
the country field," McComas stated, "promises to become an important
forerunner of other things to come in the growing expression of country
Jim Denny, one of the best known and most widely experienced bookers in
the country music field, was named Country Music Man of the Year by The
Billboard in 1955. He recently resigned as heed of the WSM Artists Service Bureau
here to devote his full time to his own artists' bureau and his various
publishing interests. He was associated with WSM more than 28 years.
Billboard Magazine - Dec. 8, 1956

ad in Louisville Times - Nov. 21, 1956
The Philip Morris show was the band's only appearance at the Rialto but
they would return to Louisville one more time a year later to perform at
the Jefferson County Armory only a couple
of blocks away. By then, the scene would be much different, the
whole city would know about it and Elvis' first movie,
Love Me Tender,
released only days earlier, would be playing at the Rialto. The
reviews of the movie in Louisville's Courier Journal would praise Elvis in the
film, but not the fans that went to see it.
... If you can stand the catcalls, insinuations, jibes,
frenzied screams of highly emotional young girls, you will find that
"Love Me Tender" is exceptionally well done and interesting throughout.
It is only the audience that is nauseating.
excerpt from "Elvis Isn't Bad in 'Love Me Tender' But
Audience's Conduct Displeases" - Boyd Martin's Show Talk - Courier
Journal - Nov. 22, 1956

The proscenium is all that remains of the Rialto in this
1969 photograph
Photo courtesy
Old Louisville Guide
The Rialto continued to play road show engagements until it closed. The
last film shown there was "Doctor
Dolittle" with Rex Harrison. It closed on July 31, 1968 and was
demolished in 1969.7

A parking lot where once stood the Rialto - ca. 1970s
Photo courtesy
Old Louisville Guide
Philip Morris closed its manufacturing plant in Louisville in 2000 and
the rest of its remaining production facilities in the fall of 2006 to
consolidate facilities in an attempt to save money.8
By 2008 it had put
the last of its holdings in the city up for sale.9
Today, though, the company is still Kentucky's largest Tobacco

4th St., looking south from Chestnut, where Rialto would
be on right - 2009
Photo courtesy Google Streetview

The building today at the location of 616 S. 4th St. Louisville, KY -
Photo © Microsoft EarthData
page added December 8, 2009
1 according to The
University of Louisville
2 excerpt from
Old Louisville
3 excerpt from
Wikipedia" Ohio River Flood of 1937
4 according to Billboard
5 from "A Guide to Points of Interest in Louisville" by
Philip Morris, Inc. 1962 courtesy Ebay
6 according to "Did
Elvis Sing in Your Hometown" by Lee Cotten
according to
Cinema Treasures -
Rialto Theatre
according to
Philip Morris USA to Close Louisville Operations in 2006, Philip
Morris USA company announcement
according to "Philip
Morris set to sell remaining downtown site" by John R. Karman
III, Business First of Louisville - Aug. 22, 2008
Publicity consultant gave Elvis a bad review—at first!
In the 1950s, Jack Fones researched upcoming acts and decided a young Elvis Presley was too pretty to be a country singer. But the King was a hit on show night.

Jack and Jane Fones pose with Lucille Ball in the 1950sMy career in public relations brought me into contact with some of the most famous names in the entertainment world, such as
Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball. |
That’s my wife, Jane, with Lucy and me in 1954.
I also knew a young Elvis Presley, early in his career, and actually tried to cancel two of his first gigs.
Philip Morris, which was a client of my company, Publicity Consultants Inc., planned shows for its employees in Louisville, Kentucky, and Richmond, Virginia. Melvin Gold, a New York producer, was hired to stage the shows, and when the three acts were set, he asked me to check them out.
They were country singer Hank Snow, some country comic and an unknown named Elvis Presley, who was a truck driver and aspiring singer.
I thought Presley was much too pretty to be a country singer, so I asked Mel to cancel him. But Elvis had already been signed for $150 per city, so we had to take him.
Elvis’ old Cadillac convertible broke down on the way to Louisville, but he took the stage that night, singing Blue Suede Shoes, Hound Dog and other soon-to-be-famous Elvis Presley songs.
The president of Philip Morris, who was in the audience, yelled to one of his aides to get Elvis off the stage, claiming that his hip gyrations were obscene. Elvis finished the show, though, and was a tremendous hit with the employees and their families.
The next week in Richmond, the crowd reacted the same way, and an RCA Records talent scout was there. The scout signed him to a contract after the show, and his career was off and running—despite my original intention!
Jack Fones
Keene, New Hampshire
courtesy Reminisce
added July 29, 2013