London Jazz Café - August 15, 2005

The last show which Scotty did on this tour was at a very neat club
in the Camden section of London called the
Jazz Café. This show was on August 15, 2005. We had two days to
recover from Pete's birthday party before that one came off.
Again, we were accompanied by several friends.....Jacques Vroom from
Dallas, Donnie McGuire from Russellville, AL, Ron Garson from London,
Jim Roy from Boston and Bucky and Gigi Barrett from Nashville.

Scotty and Jimmy Russell

Bucky and Gigi Barrett

Stella Pritchard and Jacques Vroom
Several of our friends and guests gathered and visited prior to the
show in the dressing room. The dressing room was upstairs, so
there are some shots of the Stage from above. Scotty had to walk down
some metal stairs that were pretty open behind the stage, and he was a
little nervous about that, but he made it without a hitch.

Stella, Gail, Scotty and Pete

Wayne, Gail, Scotty and Reg Miller
After sound check, the band were served dinner before the show. I
went out and up the street with Donnie McGuire and
Sally Humphreys to a Mexican restaurant. This is quite an area!
There are all kinds of markets and restaurants in the area, and it is
full of young people all buying, eating, running around and generally
having a great time.

Donnie McGuire and Sally Humphreys

Sally Humphreys, Scotty and Gail
Sally is a friend of Ron Woods (Rolling Stones guitarist and our
friend also) and in addition to acting on the English stage, television
and Radio, runs a production Company in London. We had not met her
before, but she was at the sound check and we all were just charmed by
her (especially the guys). She spent the entire evening with us.
The three of us had dinner and then went back to the Jazz Café (you can
read more about her

Mia and Sally Humphreys

Sally, Stella, Pete,
Marty Sinclair, Scotty and Gail
After we got back to the café, there was a man there who had a guitar
that he had bought off the internet. It was claimed to have been
Scotty's ES-295 that had been used on most of the Sun sessions with
Elvis except "Mystery Train". Sadly, I had to inform the man that this
was just a guitar that Scotty had signed years before for a man who had
a little music museum across from the Peabody Hotel in Memphis. Scotty
had signed it at our office with the man promising him that it would not
be displayed as Scotty's guitar, but the man died, someone else bought
the guitar, immediately sold it to another man saying that it was
Scotty's Sun session guitar, then it was sold once more to this poor guy
in London who thought it really was! He payed far too much for it.
Jim Roy from the website previously notified a company in San Francisco
that had originally purchased it on E-Bay and were advertising it as
Scotty's online that it was not the Sun Sessions guitar. There is
just no way to keep crooked people from trying to cheat others. This man
had a beautiful Guitar, but it was not the valuable one he thought he
had. Scotty is always sad to see this happen.

Scotty and Jimmy Russell
Photo © courtesy Clayton Ball

Gail trying to present flowers
Photo © courtesy Clayton Ball
We had an email from a fan who had been at an earlier show where he
had taken a new girlfriend because they were both Scotty fans, and they
had since become engaged. They were to be at the show, so I had some
flowers to give them during my little speech, but they did not show up,
so we had some leftover flowers.

Bucky Barrett, Dave Briggs, Gail and Pete Pritchard
Photo © courtesy Clayton Ball

Bucky, Dave, Paul and Gail
Photo © courtesy Clayton Ball
I had a great time talking to the fans from the stage, and got the
privilege once more of introducing "our guys" to the audience. Also this
time I had the extra added attraction of introducing Bucky Barrett. He
and his wife Gigi (they were married just a few days before in Stockholm
with Scotty, the band, our friend Vidar Thomt, and me looking on
proudly) had made the whole trip with us and he played on every show as
Scotty's special guest. I have known Bucky for quite a few years, and
never get tired of listening to him. He's best known as Roy Orbison's
last lead guitarist but he's also one of the finest jazz
instrumentalists in Nashville. So the audience at the Jazz Café got an
extra helping of talent, with our English band, Scotty, and Bucky.

Photo © courtesy Clayton Ball

Scotty and Jimmy Russell
Photo © courtesy Clayton Ball

Scotty, Jimmy Russell, Dave Briggs, Paul Ansell and Pete
Photo © courtesy Clayton Ball
The show went really well, and I think Scotty played the best he did
for any show in the tour. Of course his English band was with him, and
he has so much love for and confidence in this band that he does better
with them than any other group. They show him such respect and love both
on and off stage that they are just like members of our family. And I
have traveled with them on so many gigs now that I'm just one of the
boys... or maybe the band mom!

Paul Ansell and Pete Pritchard
Photo © courtesy Clayton Ball

Scotty, Bucky Barrett, Paul Ansell, Dave Briggs and Pete
Photo © courtesy Clayton Ball
Scotty claims that he won't be going overseas again to play, and all
of us will try to talk him out of that, but if he does not play there
again, he surely went out on a high was a really good show,
he played extremely well, the guys were on top of their game, the
audience was really great and a good time was had by all!

Scotty, Bucky Barrett, Paul Ansell, Dave Briggs and Pete
Photo © courtesy Clayton Ball
Gail Pollock
December 16, 2005