The Catholic Club
Helena, AR

St. Mary's Parish in Helena, AR
Photo courtesy the Diocese
of Little Rock
Helena, Arkansas is located about 65 miles southwest,
downriver and across the Mississippi from Memphis, Tennessee. St. Mary's
Church in Helena was built in 1936, about 6 blocks from the
location of the first Catholic Church in Helena that was bounded by Columbia,
Franklin, Porter and Perry Streets and was built in 1854 and burned
down in 1856. It is a large red
brick medieval type of building.

Sonny Boy Williamson, KFFA owner Sam Anderson and Robert Lockwood
Jr. - ca.1940's
Photo by Ivey Gladin © Ole
Miss courtesy LevyNagy's
In 1941, Sam Anderson opened and operated Station
KFFA AM on the second floor of the Floyd Truck Lines building in
Helena. Two days before the station opened, then 14 year old John
William Payne (aka. Sunshine
Sonny Payne) started work there part time as a janitor and errand
On November 21st of that year KFFA broadcast the King
Biscuit Time radio program for the first time. The show featured
Sonny Boy Williamson (actually Aleck "Rice" Miller) and Robert Lockwood
Jr. (or Robert Junior Lockwood as he was called because of his
association with Robert Johnson) performing live from the
studio. Sponsored locally by the Interstate Grocery Company and named
for the product it was intended to promote, King Biscuit Flour, the show
was broadcast daily at noon to a target audience of the Delta field
hands at lunchtime. The IGC felt they could push more sacks of
their flour with Miller posing as Chicago harmonica player John Lee “Sonny
Boy” Williamson, who rarely toured in the South.
Miller's vocal and harmonica style was in no way derivative of him,
and when John Lee was murdered in Chicago in 1948, Miller became "the original
Sonny Boy."

Sonny Boy Corn Meal (featuring photo by Ivey Gladin)
Photo courtesy Harmonica
Master Class
King Biscuit Time was an immediate hit, prompting IGC to introduce
Sonny Boy Corn Meal, complete with a likeness of Williamson on the front of the package.
By mid 1942, Sonny Payne had began reading on air commercials for the corn
meal at the station before going off to join the war later that December
after his 16th birthday.
The KFFA studio band, the King Biscuit Entertainers,
among others, often included pianist Pinetop Perkins and James Peck Curtis on
drums playing five days a week at the station and then traveled to evening engagements in the region.
King Biscuit Time was the first regular radio show to feature blues, and
would influence four generations of Delta blues artists.

St. Mary's Parish Center in Helena, AR
Photo © James V. Roy
In 1949, St. Mary's built a parish center on the property adjacent to their church.
The building housed a gymnasium and stage. In addition to the church's
use, the building, also referred to as the Catholic Club, was also used
for many activities by the neighboring Sacred Heart
Academy, and also
for banquets, meetings and dances by various civic organizations in the

Sacred Heart Academy School
Play at the Parish Center - 1950
Photo (by Ivey Gladin?)
from Mary Ann Kettler Sauer courtesy St.
By 1951, Sonny Payne had returned to Helena and began
working as an announcer for KFFA and hosting the King Biscuit Time
program, always opening the show with the phrase "pass the
biscuits, cause it's King Biscuit Time."

Sacred Heart Academy Choral
Group at the Parish Center - 1950
Photo (by Ivey Gladin?)
from Mary Ann Kettler Sauer courtesy St.
On December 2, 1954, Elvis, Scotty and Bill made their
first appearance in Helena. Sonny Payne, and Larry Parker
booked Elvis for the show.1 Payne recalled that Elvis first approached
co-worker about playing a gig in Helena and
he was directed to St. Mary's parish hall. In something that
seems very out of character for Elvis, Payne said,
"he had on an old T-shirt and a cigar in his mouth. He didn't
impress me one bit. When you’re in show business, you have to look like
a show person, and you can’t do it in T-shirts or blue jeans."
Payne said Elvis auditioned for Parker, who then told Payne,
"'He's not bad.'" So Payne and Parker approached Father Thomas
Keller for permission to rent the Catholic Club. The cost was $15 for
three hours. According to Payne, he and Parker each
borrowed $7.50 to come up with the fee because Elvis did not have it
and promised to pay them back after the show, which he did. 2

ad for Elvis at the Catholic Club - 1954
courtesy Lee Cotten's "Did Elvis Sing in Your
Lee Cotten wrote that in addition to Jim Ed and
Maxine Brown sharing the bill, it's possible that the Louvin Brothers along with Bob
Neal also performed. From the ad, he got the length of the
"two hour" show and a capacity of five hundred tickets available at
Model Pharmacy at a cost of 75-cents each.3
Model's was located in Helena at
329 Cherry St.
Bill E. Burke wrote that for the show, Elvis came
out in an all-pink outfit and white shoes, then, as Doris Smith
remembers it, "changed costumes from one set to another."
Thirteen at the time, Smith was coached by the older girls she had arrived with on how to act during the concert, "but when Elvis started wiggling, I started wiggling and nearly fell out of my chair.”
1 Elvis reportedly
received $12.00 for the show.3

Scotty, Elvis and Bill in Texarkana, Arkansas -
April or May, 1955
Photo courtesy Steve Bonner
After the show, Elvis invited Evelyn Jacks, an usherette, to have dinner with him. They drove in his pink Cadillac to Papa Nick’s Café where they dined with about six others.*
Driving her home, she said she and Elvis talked about religion and he talked about his mother. At one point, he stopped the car and swung from the low-hanging limb of a tree like a
Bob Leuken, in charge of the concession stands that night, said Elvis came up and asked for a Coke, got it and started walking away.
“Hey, you owe me for that Coke!" Leuken shouted at Elvis.
Penniless at the time, as he oft-times was throughout life, Elvis had someone else pay for it.
Unimpressed, Leuken told fellow workers, "This guy will
never make it." 1

St. Mary's Parish Center in Helena, AR
Photo © James V. Roy
The boys made their second appearance
at the Catholic Club on January 13, 1955, the second night of two weeks
of touring with Jim Ed and Maxine Brown that had started the previous
day in Clarksdale. According to Lee Cotten,
appearing also was Howard Serratt, a local performer,
and it had also been determined that Sonny Trammell and Leon Post
appeared on this show.3 This was reputedly the second and last time Payne and
(Larry) Parker booked them for a show in Helena. Payne said Elvis asked if he could pay them back later, but
he never did.2
On the same day of the January show in Helena, Scotty
had received a letter of rejection from the Colonel's man, Tom Diskin,
and their Chicago office though plans were already in the works for them
to start booking dates for them.
By March 8th, they were back for their third appearance
at the Catholic Club in Helena. It was an 8:00 p.m. show in which they
shared a bill with Betty Amos and Jimmy Work.3

Scotty, Elvis and Bill in Texarkana, Arkansas - May 27, 1955
Photo courtesy Steve Bonner
St. Mary's parishioner Nick Brocato said he worked the concession stand when
Elvis performed at
the Catholic Club and he shared Payne's view. "I
wasn't a fan of his at all," he said. "You have to keep in
mind that he was just starting out when he came here. He wasn't an
overnight success." Brocato said he doesn't remember a lot about
the shows except when Elvis "did that little dance on the stage
with that shuffling of his feet the girls went wild." 2
Lynne Von Kanel said,
"The guys didn't like it, but the girls sure did," and admits she was one of those girls.
Oh, I went wild," she said. "I was one of those girls
screaming and hollering."
The Sacred Heart graduate said she first heard Elvis perform at the
Catholic Club as the opening act for Jim Ed and
Maxine Brown. She saw him perform at least two other times at the club.
"His voice and his actions; we'd never seen anything like that
before," she said. "This new rock 'n roll was what the
teenagers in my group were really eatin' up. We really loved it. We would all go backstage and talk and visit and get autographs.
He was very congenial, very nice," Von Kanel said. "The guys
hated him. Looking back I don't see anything that was obscene or really bad
about it, it was just that we weren't used to that," she added.2
Helena resident Billie Jo Moore graduated from Barton
Public School in 1956 and she said she remembers seeing them at the
club twice. The first time she went with girlfriends and they had to sit
in the bleachers because all the chairs on the floor were full.
"Kids from all the county schools went." "He was an
electrifying entertainer, but different from anything any of us had ever
seen," Moore said. "The shock value was just tremendous."
She said she wouldn't call what he did indecent or inappropriate, but
"it was a stretch bordering on vulgar." 2

St. Mary's Parish Center in Helena, AR
Photo courtesy Google Streetview
Nancy Norman, a 1956 Elaine High School graduate, first heard them at the Jim Ed and Maxine Brown
show also. "My mother wouldn't let me go unless my Daddy
went," she said so Norman, her father and five or six girlfriends
went and were "amazed" by what they saw. "I thought
he was an awfully nice young man," she said. Norman said she, her father and friends went backstage to introduce
themselves after the show and invited Elvis to eat dinner at the In
Between, a former popular restaurant and hang out. "He was so
conscious of his hair," she said. "He combed his hair more
than anybody I ever saw in my life." "Then we followed him all
over the countryside," she said. Norman saw Elvis in shows in
Earl, Wynne, Barton, Marianna and even Memphis, eight times in all from
1955-56, with three of these at the Catholic Club in Helena.2

Carl Perkins and his brothers - 1955 or 1956
Photo courtesy Colin Escott's "Good Rockin'
On December 15, 1955, they performed at the Club in
Helena for the last time. On this appearance they shared the bill
with Carl Perkins and according to Peter Guralnick, all five hundred tickets for the
show were sold out two days in advance.4 Bill E. Burk wrote that
the priest of the parish then asked that Elvis never again be invited
back to the Catholic Club.1 Brocato said he was there the night Presley was asked to leave the club,
but he didn't actually see what happened. He only saw the crowd of girls rush on the stage after the
Von Kanel said,
"I saw him autograph a girl's leg. She hiked her skirt up and he
autographed her thigh," she said.2
Neither of them, however, saw or heard the exchange with Father
Regardless, by this point in Elvis' career the venue would be too
small for them. Elvis had signed with RCA, and would make his
national television debut in just over a month.

St. Mary's Parish Center in Helena, AR
Photo courtesy Microsoft EarthData
Due to the lowered demands for a boarding school, dwindling enrollment and increased costs of maintaining the building grounds,
Sacred Heart Academy closed in May of 1968 after more than 100 years of service to the
community. The building was razed in 1973 and the Sisters of Charity donated to St. Mary's Parish the land that is currently used as the church parking lot.

St. Mary's Parish Center and Church in Helena, AR
Photo courtesy Google Streetview
According to
Pat Truemper, a 10th grader at Sacred Heart
Academy at the time Elvis performed there, the gymnasium and stage no longer exists
in the hall as it was back in 1955.
The building has been renovated due to a fire back in the early 70's. A parochial school, under the Sacred Heart Academy name, operated until 1973 in St. Mary's Parish
On August 15, 1999, the cornerstone originally placed on the Sacred Heart Academy grounds in 1917,
and secured by local parishioners of
St. Mary's as the building was being
razed, was placed on the grounds in front of the Parish Hall with a befitting Italian marble statue of the Sacred Heart.
The site was selected because of the many Academy functions that took place in
the building.

"Sunshine" Sonny Payne, KFFA 1360, Helena, AR - Oct. 2008
Photo courtesy c8132
In the '60s KFFA moved from the Floyd
Truck Lines Building to the top floor of the Helena National Bank
Building. Sonny Boy Williamson left the show in 1944 and
returned to Helena and the program in 1965, before dying that year. In
1986 Helena held the first annual King
Biscuit Blues Festival, today called the Arkansas Blues and Heritage
Festival. Robert Lockwood Jr. passed away on November 21,
2006, 65 years to the day from the first broadcast of
King Biscuit Time.
Payne and Brocato both said in later years they grew to enjoy Elvis' music.
Of the $15 that he was owed Payne said, "Before he went into the Army I called and, got, 'Oh man, I'm gonna
get it to you,' but after two or three calls I said, 'Well, forget it.'" Payne did eventually get his money, 50 years later. The
Helena Chamber of Commerce contacted the Elvis Presley estate about the
debt and presented Payne with a $15 check at the annual chamber banquet
in February 2005. "I felt about this high," Payne said holding his hand a foot
off the floor. "I was thoroughly embarrassed." 2

"Sunshine" Sonny Payne, KFFA 1360, Helena, AR
Photo courtesy
Today, the King Biscuit Time program is still broadcast daily, now from
the studio at the Delta Cultural Center, located at 95 Missouri Street in Helena. 58 years later,
Sunshine Sonny Payne is still its host and "passing the
biscuits." 5
page added November 6, 2009
*Most of the history of St. Mary's, the
parish hall and Scared Heart Academy presented here is courtesy the Sacred
Heart Academy Homepage. The history of KFFA, King Biscuit Time
and its participants and performers were collected from various sources
on the web, not the least of which is the
KFFA and King
Biscuit Time websites and the NPS site "Trail
of the Hell Hound." It should be noted that some of the
recollections may be misremembered. For one, Elvis did not have a pink
Cadillac at the time of their first appearance, or first several for
that matter.
1 excerpt from "Early
Elvis: The Sun Years" by Bill E. Burk
2 excerpt from
"Tales still alive of Elvis' performances at Helena parish hall"
by Tara Little, Arkansas
Catholic - Oct. 21, 2006
according to "Did
Elvis Sing in Your Hometown?" by Lee Cotten
4 according to Peter Guralnick
and Ernst Jorgensen in Elvis
Day By Day
5 according
to "Voice
of Helena's King Biscuit Time Still Going Strong" by Pete Thompson, KARK 4 News - July 27, 2009