Fan Club Letter

The envelope sent from the Fan Club (Bob
Neal's office) in Memphis postmarked September 27, 1955
Photo © Heritage Auctions
These items went up (together) for auction by Heritage
Auctions of Dallas recently. It included a letter to a fan, intending to
imply written by Elvis, probably in response to a request for an
autographed photo. The girl is advised that by sending in one
dollar she can receive an autographed photo and membership in the Elvis
Presley fan club.

The front page of the letter sent to Miss Slagle
Photo © Heritage Auctions
Hi Willie! You may receive an autographed picture of me and
a membership card - plus all other news, etc. by sending $1.00
c/o National Pres. - Bobby Dawson
I have no serious interests of heart at the present time. Yes- I
do have a pink and black Cadillac in which I travel. I also have |
In the letter several questions appear to have been
answered regarding Elvis' automobiles and love interests. The back
of the page was not posted so the rest of the message is not known.

The Fan Club membership card sent by December of 1955
Photo © Heritage Auctions
Evidently Miss Slagle of North Carolina sent her dollar
in the next couple of months and received her membership card for the
year and an autographed photo, signed not only by Elvis but the entire
band. Not bad for a dollar! Another interesting thing about it is
the fact that there was a "national" fan club as early as
September of 1955. Kay Wheeler, from Dallas, has been reputed to
have been the first one to start an official fan club around the time of
his appearance in San Antonio in April of
The photo that accompanied the membership card
autographed by the whole band - Dec. 1955
Photo © Heritage Auctions
added August 19, 2013