Chet Atkins Country Gentleman prototype

In 1989 Mark Knopfler was in Nashville recording with
Chet Atkins and wanted to meet Scotty so Chet brought him by. Chet
noticed an old RCA 77DX microphone on Scotty's desk with the wiring cut
and now being used as a paper weight. Chet asked him if it still
worked and Scotty told him it would if you reconnected it. He then
gave it to Chet who had it rebuilt by RCA and was used on many
subsequent recordings. Not long after Chet returned and left this
Chet Atkin's prototype for Scotty in return for the microphone. It
was built by Gibson master artisan Jim Hutchins for Chet and was one of
the first of several prototypes. Chet played it regularly.
Jim Hutchins referred to this one as "the Strap model" because
he had to reinforce, redrill and relocate the strap button several times
until Chet felt that it hung properly while playing.

Label: approved Dec 23, James W. Hutchins

relocated strap button
At the time that Chet gave him the guitar Scotty was not
playing. When Scotty returned to playing and performing live he
used his 83 Super 400 and around 1993 for his
second European tour began using the Chet. It was initially
equipped with humbuckers and a special Bigsby style tailpiece but Scotty
had a Johnny Smith style fingered tail piece added along with Ray Butts
custom built pickups and pinned the bridge. After the airlines nearly lost
this several times in transit he retired it for fear of losing it and had
one custom built to his specifications by
Gibson master craftsman Jim Hutchins. This has now been his primary

Fingered Tail piece

Scrolled signature truss cover
Scotty's Chet Atkins prototype features a single round cutaway semi hollow bound maple
body, bound f-holes, raised bound tortoise pickguard, bound arm rest on bottom bass bout, 3 piece maple neck, 22 fret
ebony fingerboard with offset red
block inlay, ABR-1
tune-a-matic bridge with pearl inlaid ebony bridge
base/ fingered tailpiece, blackface peghead
with pearl plant/logo inlay, 3 per side tuners, gold hardware, 2 custom made Ray Butts pickups, master volume on upper treble bout, 2 volume/1 tone controls,
3 position switch and Country Gentleman Brown finish.

Carl Perkins and Scotty in 1992 In
July of 2010, Scotty presented his original Chet Atkins Country
Gentleman guitar to Mark Pritcher, the president of the
Chet Atkins
Appreciation Society during their convention in Nashville.