The Enthusiast®
May 1956

1916 cover of the first issue of Harley Davidson's The
Photo courtesy
HD Timeline
The Enthusiast® is/was a consumer magazine published monthly by the
Harley Davidson Motorcycle company and is said to be "the
longest consistently-published motorcycle magazine in the world." The
first issue was published in 1916 and each issue contained photos and
riding stories of interest to riders in addition to features on events
and advertising of new models and accessories available from the
Elvis on the May 1956 cover of The Enthusiast® with his 1956 KH,
"Lite Weight" Cap, and leather jacket
Ted Bruehl Photo © Harley-Davidson,
courtesy ebay
Who Is Elvis Presley?
THAT rocket blazing a fiery trail across the musical sky these days and
nights is no rocket. It's 21 year old Elvis Presley, Memphis's
contribution to the world of music. Presley's rise to fame has been
little short of fantastic. Some time ago, Elvis walked into the Sun
Record Company in Memphis, Tenn., and recorded his voice at his own
expense. Sun Record Company liked Presley's style and signed him to a
contract. Recently RCA Victor bought Presley's contract and he is on his
way up. He recorded "Heartbreak Hotel". His unique style clicked at
once. Now this record is a cinch to pass the million mark any day. He is
in great demand for personal appearances and TV shows. More of his songs
are being released. His head is in a whirl but Elvis is taking it all in
stride. He appreciates his good fortune and is determined no to let it
change him.
How does Elvis rate cover position in the ENTHUSIAST?
He is a Harley-Davidson rider and is shown on his third motorcycle. He
started out as the owner of a 165 and at present rides the 1956"KH". It
is a red and white model and is his favorite. His new life makes great
demands on him but, he still finds time to roll up some miles on his "KH".
Good Luck for your future, Elvis. Bruehl Photo
article on page 14 of the
Enthusiast® © Harley Davidson, courtesy Claude Francisci |
After Elvis bought a new Harley Davidson
in January of 1956 they saw fit to put him along with his KH on the
cover of the May 1956 issue along with a short article inside about his
interest in Harley and his rise to fame. The photo shows him in the
vicinity of his former home at the time on Getwell Road in Memphis. He is
pictured in his leather jacket waving his "Lite Weight" cap.

staff at a Harley dealership sporting accessory riding caps
- ca. 1940s
Photo courtesy web

riders with their bikes in caps and leather - ca. 1940s
Photo courtesy web

1947 Harley Davidson advertisement
Photo courtesy ebay

Photo courtesy web
The look, though some speculate may have been inspired by Marlon Brando,
was in fact common for riders and had been for some time. Prior to
the popularity of helmets and, more importantly, helmet laws, most
riders wore caps or at least some kind of head gear. Harley Davidson
itself over time offered several variants of the cap(s) that Elvis owned
and had been popular with riders at least as early as the '40s. The
style Elvis is most often pictured with, even when not riding was
offered by Harley Davidson as an accessory called a "Lite Weight" cap
and retailed at the time for $1.95, easily identifiable with its radiant
star emblem. By the summer of 1956 he also owned and wore the
winged HD Logo cap which sold for $2.50. These were offered at
times in both black and tan with black or white visors depending.
pages from The Enthusiast®, Sept. 1955 and May 1956
courtesy ebay

close-up crops from pages from The Enthusiast, Sept. 1955 and May 1956
courtesy ebay

Elvis in Harley Davidson "Lite Weight" Cap - October 1956
Photo courtesy The
Portal to Texas History, U of T at Arlington Libraries
The leather jacket, though often associated with a "badboy" image, no
doubt because of its adoption for its rebelliousness look by non riders
since the '50s, is actually utilitarian by design and worn by riders for
that reason. Until recently, it offered the best protection for
riders against the elements, especially if/when they go down. Asphalt is
very unforgiving. Harley Davidson had been offering them well
before Elvis bought one and still do. Even to this day leather is
probably the most popular riding attire. When he purchased his next
Harley, a 1957 FLH in November of 1956, Elvis was also pictured with it
in the December issue of The Enthusiast®.

December 1956 issue of The Enthusiast®

center of the December 1956 issue of The Enthusiast®
with Elvis on his new FLH

warranty accompanying the December 1956 issue of The Enthusiast®

HD sample notice with the December 1956 issue of The Enthusiast®
A sample copy of the magazine used to come with the purchase of the bike
along with a free subscription when you sent in the registration card.

Elvis on his new 1957 Harley-Davidson FLH
in the rear driveway at Audubon Dr. - Nov. 1956
Photo by Ted Bruehl

Harley Davidson Motorcycles cap logo - 1950s
Photo © James V. Roy

Elvis in Harley leather and cap at Audubon Dr. - Nov. 56
Photos courtesy Christopher David Giles
In 1968 when filming the NBC-TV special, a leather suit was made for him
to perform in by the designer who though he dressed like that regularly
in the '50s. In reality he was rarely, if at all, pictured in
leather when he wasn't riding, about to or just finished. The caps
though apparently caught his interest and he wore them often whether
he was riding or not, though by the '60s the Harley Davidson caps were
replaced by yachting caps, trading wings and wheels for lifesavers and

Elvis in Harley logo cap with Dewey Phillips
and Nick Adams
in Harley lite weight cap
- 1956
Photo courtesy web

Elvis with passenger Marilyn Waste on the
Matsonia on his way to Hawaii - Nov. 1957
Photo by Jim Waste courtesy Corby
Harley Davidson Motorcycles cap - 1950s
Photos © James V. Roy

older beige cap and newer (AMF logo) cap
Photos courtesy web
In 2009, The Enthusiast was incorporated into the Harley-Davidson
Harley Owners Group (HOG)®
magazine which itself was reinvented with a new design and content
direction to appeal to a wider audience. With a circulation of more than
800,000, the magazine is widely considered one of the most valuable
benefits of membership in the Harley Owners Group®. Elvis himself,
continued to own and ride Harleys and remained a card carrying member of
the American Motorctycle Association until his death.

Elvis in the '60s with his 57
FLH sporting a yachting cap - ca. 1963
Photo © EPE Inc., courtesy Unseen Archives
page added November 17, 2013

Elvis on his 1956 Harley Davidson KH as seen on the May
1956 cover of The Enthusiast®
Photo by Ted Bruehl © Harley-Davidson